Chapter Eleven

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"Dude, you're burning the chocolate!" Joey started, peering over Zak's shoulder into his pot of melting chocolate.

"No I'm not!"

"You're supposed to stir it!"

"What? No you're not."

"Yes, you are," I interjected, looking between the fighting pair. "Zak, didn't you read the directions?"

"It said to melt the chocolate," Zak responded, frowning at me.

"And how did it say to melt it?"

Zak scrunched up his face. "Put it in a pot..."

"It says right here to put it in a double pot, stupid," Joey said, picking up the instructions sheet. "Look."

Zak looked at it for a moment, and then grinned. "Oh, it does say that."

"Bravo," someone said sarcastically from the other side of the room. "You're literate."

Immediately Zak and Joey's eyes narrowed, turning in the direction of the voice. My head turned as well, and I found Tucker and Joel smirking at the pair next to me. I winced. "Guys, don't—"

"Literate? Tucker, since when do you know such intricate words?" Zak snapped, glaring at the blonde.

"Now you're just trying too hard, Zak," Joel commented, rolling his eyes.

Joey snorted. "I wouldn't be the one talking, Joel."

Joel's eyes narrowed his twin brother. "And neither should you."

"At least I can boil chocolate correctly," Tucker jeered.

"You guys, no fighting!" I cried exasperatedly. "Do you really have to fight every single day? Can't you get along?"

"No," the four men responded at once.

"You better start getting along, because I won't stand for this petty bickering every day."

"Why don't you go complain to mommy?" Tucker snapped, glaring at me.

For a split second I froze up, surprised by his remark. My chest suddenly felt tight as I fought to resist the urge to glare at him. He didn't know my mom was dead. I couldn't get angry with him for making a comment like that. However, I didn't expect how much a comment like that could get to me.

"Tucker, watch your mouth."

My eyes shot to Arden, who was frowning at Tucker from his spot. He was sticking up for me? Did he know something? I shook my head. He couldn't know. Nobody except Melissa and Oliver knew.

"Why are you sticking up for her?" Tucker demanded, turning his attention to Arden.

"She's a teacher," Arden said slowly. "We can get in trouble for being fresh. And we both know you can't afford getting a detention."

Tucker's face fell slightly, and he quickly adverted his gaze. "I know."

"Then start respecting her."

Tucker muttered something, but I couldn't quite catch it. It was obvious he was badmouthing me in some way though. I frowned, sighing once more. What did I ever do to deserve his hate?

"Yeah, respect your elders, Tucker," Oliver said, putting emphasis on the word elders.

I turned quickly to glare at Oliver. He ignored my gaze, locking eye contact with Arden instead.

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