The beginning

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It was any normal day. Me being the clouts I am, I woke up at 7:45 A.M and I had to be at the bus by 8:00. Now before you're mind trails off thinking "Why is he waking up that late?" Or "How long did he stay awake?" I'll explain that later.
It's around 7:56 when I got out of the shower and I heard a loud roar of a truck. I instantly knew what it was. It was the bus driving by my house. With a shoe on one foot and a sock on the other I scramble to get everything and dash out of the door."WAIT!!!" I scream hoping the driver would hear me, but I had no luck getting the bus drivers attention. In defeat, I waddle back home in frustration because I missed the bus.
When I finally got back to my home I put on my other shoe on even thought my sock was wet from the soft drizzle of rain that coated the grass from the night before. While walking back in my room, I saw something shine on the counter. It was some sort of key. I didn't know where it came from but I put it in my pocket anyway and went to my room. When I got there, I realized I had a bike and that I could ride it to school. In a huge relief I let out a huge sigh knowing it would be best for me to go to school.
So I went and got the keys for my lock and I rode to school. School started at 9:00 so I wasn't to worried. While I was riding my bike to one of the lights of the main Street to get to my school it felt as if I forgot something really important. I was in a daze trying to think of what it was when a car drove too fast and hit a puddle not even 5 feet from me and got my legs soaked. So that day dream I had was washed away. Literally.
I got to school at 8:38. While I was locking my bike up I heard someone walking behind me. "Yo where have you been?" A familiar voice said. I knew right away it was my friend Alex Thompkins .
When I turned around to look at him it seemed to flinch. "Well I have been very busy at my house doing things lately." I told him. He stood there for several seconds and shook his head and started walking to the commons area.
I wanted to catch up to him so I hurried and locked my bike up and jogged to him. "You look like a wreck. When was the last time you slept?" He asked. I explained to him that I was up pretty much all night messing with my gear.
He sighed and said "look, I know you're parents were scientist, but you can't follow in the same path as them. I worry that you may end up---" "Ok just don't say it. It's still painful to think about." I told him feeling like I was starting to drift off.
Back when I was 8, my mother and father took care of me. I was the only child and they loved me dearly. We would always play games and have a good time. But one day my dad was rambling on about something about how his work is almost finished. He seemed to be so exited, but it worried mom. She always wanted to put off dad's stuff for the time being because it was to advance.
The next day, I woke up looking for them. They weren't anywhere in the house. So I decided to go to the lab to look if anything was up and what I saw was the most excruciating messed up thing in my life.
The lab lights were flickering, the hallway was dark, I saw a red substance all over the walls,floor, and roof. But the worst part about it was I saw my mother's head on the side and my dad's body torn apart beside me.
I didn't know what to do after that. My life was taken away from me with a instant. It felt as if I lost my soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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