Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

       I was woken up from my wonderful nap with someone knocking on the door and since I was taking a while to answer it, the knocking turned into a ringing doorbell. I pulled myself off of the couch and walked to the front door. I opened the door to see Destiny standing there, giving me a smile.

       "So, you know what the best part about your birthday being the day after Valentine's Day?" she asked.


       "All the chocolate and candy being on sale," she said as she held up a grocery bag filled with chocolate and candy. "I bought a lot." She handed me the bag then pulled me into a hug. "Happy birthday."

       "Thank you," I said. "Although, you did wake me up from my nap."


       "It's okay. I did that same thing to you on your birthday."

       "True," she said. "So, you doing anything today?"

       "I'm having dinner with my parents tonight," I said. "You want to come?"

       "Not....really," she said. "They don't really like me."

       "They do," I said. "They're just too hung up on Courtney and that business deal to see how happy I am. But I'm not going to force you to come if you don't want to."

       "Maybe another time," Destiny said. "You know, when they accept who you're with."

       "They will soon," I said. Hopefully they would.... "Since I have some time before I'm heading over there, want to watch some movies and pig out on the chocolate? And maybe talk know."

       "Yeah, okay," I said, opening the door wider for her to walk in. She took off her shoes as I closed the the door. 

       We sat down on the couch and I placed the bag of chocolates and candy on the coffee table. 

       "Can we talk about the....the baby before watching a movie?" I asked.

       "Yeah," Destiny said. "It's freaking you out, isn't it?"

       I nodded. "Yeah, it is. And you?"

       "Yeah," she said. "Well, not too much because I've had a few days to accept it. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you as soon as I found out. I didn't know how because I was afraid of your reaction. I told my grandpa last night. He was shocked, but very understanding about it and he said he'll support me through it all. Oh, and before I left, he and your grandpa were already planning a baby shower."

       I raised an eyebrow. "Really?....You know, that actually seems like something they would do. I told him yesterday, by the way. When I went to get some fresh air."

       "When are you going to tell your parents?" she asked.

       "Probably tonight," I said. "When I'm having dinner with them. It would be best to just rip the band-aid off, you know? And gossip does travel around the village a lot, so I'd rather them hear it from me than from anyone else."

       "Will people really gossip about it?" 

       I shrugged. "You never know with Spruceworth. So, I last night I was thinking. If you want, you could always move in here with me now that you're eighteen. It will be a lot easier for us since you have told me that your grandpa works a lot. You know, if you don't think that will be moving too fast."

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