II. - hangover

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Jack's POV:

"What's your biggest fear?" Jordie asked. We had been talking for about an hour now. She's so interesting.

"My mom finding out what I do. She would kick my ass." I chuckled, she did as well.

"Tell me for real, your biggest fear." She said.

"Losing the people closest to me." I nodded, my smile fading.

"Who are those people?" She asked, seeming intrigued on who the people I love most are.

"My mom, dad and sisters. Also a few really close friends." I replied.

"What are your friends' names?" She asked. I swear this girl could ask a million questions and not ask the same one twice.

"Fernandez, Wilkinson, and Johnson." I nodded.

"Why do you call them by their last names?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Johnson has the same name as me. Wilkinson goes by a ton of names, that's just the one I've stuck with. Fernandez doesn't like to be called by his first name, hell, I don't even think he's ever told me his first name." I explained, she nodded in reply.

An awkward moment went by before she spoke up again, "no girlfriend?"

"No. Girls don't really find it all that attractive when you tell them you're in a crime family." I chuckled.

"Yeah, my brothers usually scare guys off within the first couple dates so, they don't typically stick around too long." She shook her head, smiling to herself.

"Understandable." I shrugged.

There was a knock at the door and I instinctively placed my hand on the glock, which I had sat on the coffee table.

"Chill. It's just a friend." She said, standing up and opening the door. A girl walked in, clearly about her age. She was kind of cute but, didn't look like my type.

"Who's this?" Her friend asked her. God, that voice is already on my nerves. It's one of those high-pitched, cat getting ran over by a car, voices. Ya know?

"A friend of my brothers'." Jordie said. Her friend obviously didn't know about everything. I'm going to to assume that's a good thing because this girl just seems like a rat to me.

"We still going out?" She asked. Rude. Didn't even introduce herself. Any thought I had of her being somewhat cute just flew right out the window.

"Yeah, of course." Jordie nodded, shutting the door. I don't think I trust her going out with this friend.

"Jack, this is Mandi." Jordie said, I just waved.

Mandi went down the hallway, to either Jordie's room or the bathroom and Jordie stood in front of me.

"Jack. I'm going to go to a bar with a couple of my friends. I can handle myself." She said sternly. Woah, what happened to the Jordie I was just talking to?

"Alright, under one condition." I said, standing up and had her follow me to my room.

I handed her my spare glock, a small knife and a small can of pepper spray.

"You're so extra." She sighed, putting everything in her purse.

"No, I'm not." I said.

"Okay, you have my number, right? If you need a ride home, call me. If you have to use any of that stuff, call me. If a guy hits on you, call me. If anything happens at all, call me. Just, call me." I said.

"Roger that." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm dead serious, Jordie. You're my mission." I sighed.

"Okay." She said, a hint of sass prevalent in her voice. I have a feeling that this Mandi has something to do with Jordie's sudden bitchiness. I hate it.

I liked the Jordie I had lunch with. Her attitude did a complete 180° turn on me. She's officially my least favorite Lombardo sibling, as of now.


I sat on the couch, watching some movie on the TV. It was past midnight and I was waiting up for Jordie.

My phone started to ring loudly, reach for it quickly. It's probably Jordie.

"Jack." Her voice whispered. I could tell she had a couple drinks.

"Jordie?" I asked, immediately starting to worry. The only reason I'm worried about her bitchy ass is because I have to.

"I'm outside. Let me in." She giggled and hung up.

I got up and walked to the door, opening to see Jordie standing there. She started to giggle when she saw me.

"Come on." I groaned, helping her inside. How the hell could her friends let her come home alone? See if I let her go out with them again.

I shut and locked the door behind us. I walked her to her room, sitting her on the bed as I pulled out some comfortable clothes for her to wear.

She changed into the clothes, which took quiet a while. She stumbled around and knocked a couple things down. God, she's a mess.

I helped her under her covers. I put her trashcan beside her bed. I went to the kitchen, getting her a bottle of water along with a couple pain killers for the morning. She's definitely going to need it.

I decided to go to bed myself.

I lied down, getting comfortable. I started to doze off before my phone started to ring again. I groaned loudly. Can't I just get some peace?

Gino Lombardo. What the hell does he want now?

"Hello?" I asked when I answered.

"Shit, forgot about the time difference. How's it going?" He asked.

"Fine." I replied, trying to make it obvious I didn't want to talk.

"Good. She in bed?" He asked. Please, Gino, just let me go to sleep.

"Yes." I said, again, purposely being short with him. At this point in time, he's my least favorite Lombardo brother. Jordie is still my least favorite of all four, as of right now.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later." He said and hung up. Thank you, God.


My alarm rang at 9:00 am, just as I had set it.

I got up and went to check on Jordie. She must have woken up during the night because the room reeked of vomit.

I changed took the plastic bag out of her trashcan and replaced it with a new one.

I went out to the kitchen to make myself something for breakfast, I settled on a bowl of cereal.

As I sat eating, Jordie came down the hallway, looking completely disheveled.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." I smirked.

"Shut the fuck up." She groaned.

Today was going to be a wonderful day.

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