idk how to title things

506 15 3

AnnaBae: Is anyone still awake?

Brobird: Yeah.

WildAnimal: Almost

Sunshine: I was!

Sunshine: Why does this chat exist anyway?

AnnaBae: Nico. You know this chat is so I don't have to copy and paste messages to check up on you.

*Nice Zombie changed Sunshine's name to grumpy old man*

*AnnaBae changed grumpy old man's name to Grumpy Old Man*

AnnaBae: Capitals are important!

Grumpy Old Man: Ugh

*Grumpy Old Man changed AnnaBae's name to Annoying English Teacher*

*Grumpy Old Man changed Nice Zombie's name to One To Talk*

BroBird: Someone's irritated...

Grumpy Old Man: You'll be next Jason so keep it up.

WildAnimal: Nico, that's not nice.

Horseshoes And Fishtails: addyvybuninimkkm

Grumpy Old Man: Pardon?

*Horseshoes And Fishtails have left the chat*

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