Chapter 3:~ We're partners now.

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A week later I always saw Ethan around school. It's almost like we were meant to see each other, Every time we walk into each other unexpectedly Ethan would become pissed off and he would turn around the other way and walk back the way he came from. It was obvious that he was annoyed seeing my face. That's what I think. 


Mr Anderson: "Okay Ethan! Put your feet off of the desk, third time telling you!" 

Ethan: "Whatever". 

Mr Anderson: "Ethan, you have participate in this class. You have to!" 

Mr Anderson looks like he's in his mid 40's. He's medium height, his grey hair is already grew in and he also has grey facial hair. Mr Anderson doesn't take shit from any of his students, he's quite strict. Honestly he can be the best teacher ever, all you have to do is do the right thing. 

Ethan really didn't like Mr Anderson so he sort of ignored him but not for long.

Mr Anderson: "Class we are going to do a pair-up activity, I've already paired everyone up with a partner so please come see me and I'll tell you who your partner is".


This class is so dumb. Honestly I should've just dropped out of school when I had the chance, fuck this shit man. 

I put my feet up on my desk, placed a book over my face and tried to take a nap. Hopefully I'd wake up after my class is finished.. I did it last time. 

Then I felt the book being released from my face and slowly my pitch black image left me. It was that weird girl, Adele. 

Adele: "Um? Ethan? Mr Anderson paired me up with you". 

Me: "Who said I was even participating in this class, I hate this class. I'm not your partner. Sorry girl". 

I grabbed the same book that someone had rudely took off of my face and ruined my beauty sleep and placed it back on my face.

Then suddenly I felt my chair moving.. slowly not fast. I lifted the book off of my face and it was Adele, she was pushing me to her desk. I didn't care, I went back to my nap. 

Me: "What are you doing? I'm not your partner". 

Adele: "According to Mr Anderson's list you are my partner and I'm not gonna put up with a 17 year old guy who acts like a 2 yr old but has the potential to actually do something with his life". 

Me: "Did you just insult me and then compliment me at the same time? Damn. You are a weirdo". 

Adele: "Well I like being me, maybe to you I'm a weirdo but to others I'm the most Favorited friend. Now.. Can you just at least act like you like this class". 

Me: "I can't because I genuinely hate this class so much I want to jump out of the window every time I set foot into this class". 

Adele: "O..Kayyy.. Let's change the subject. What do you want to become in the future? What's your dream job?" 

Me: "Why are you asking me these questions? I don't like you". 

Adele: "Well firstly because I want to get to know you. We've been in the same classes ever since we were little and we never got to actually met each other. I don't really care if you don't like me, I'm not here to be liked". 

Me: "Okay Miss Smarty pants! Why are you here?". 

Adele: "So I can become a doctor and have a house to live under, money for my needs and clothes for my body. Isn't that why your here?" 

Me: "I didn't want to attend this school in the first place, I was forced to come to this school by the government".

Adele: "Yeah, why do you think they put you in this school? I know a lot of things have happened to you before but yo-". 

Me: "You don't know what's been happening in my personal life". 

Adele: "Ethan.. I've pretty much grown up with you. I know about your past". 


I was pissed at Adele. She doesn't know me, she thinks she knows me. 

I got out of my chair and ran out of the classroom angry. I slammed the door on my way out and decided to take a jog home. I needed to clear my head, my mother's face of the car crash kept flashing back in my head. 


I wasn't scared of Ethan, I knew he was going to get angry. He looked hot tempered and I knew when he's angry he shakes. I just ignored him when he stormed out of the classroom. Obviously that left everyone in the class staring and talking about us but I didn't care. I was just worried about Ethan. 


Mr Anderson: "Class you are dismissed!". 

I packed up my books and put them in my backpack. 

Mr Anderson: "Just ignore that behavior, he's obviously going no where in life". 

Me: "Mr Anderson that's really rude to say. That might be true at the moment but he can try to change". 

I tried talking to Mr Anderson politely the best I could, then I just walked away from him. I think he might of been surprised because I've never said anything like that to Mr Anderson, I always agreed with Mr Anderson and never spoke my mind to him or any of the teachers. But  today, right now I just did. I was kind of proud of myself. Just a small bit. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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