I remember! (11)

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Garroth POV

Laurance hasn't come out of his room and it has bee almost a week. He is beginning to worry us all. He have all tried to talk to him but he isn't answering. Every once and a while I walk past his room and hear sniffling and murmuring soI know he is still in there.

The guys and I were discussing this matter then Dante came up with a plan that had to work.

"Guys! We should get Y/N to try and talk to Laurance! She always made him smile, well, since we met her anyway." Dante suggested. This was the best plan anyone of us had come up with.

We all agreed to this plan and I texted Y/N. I told her she needed to come ASAP and a few minutes later she came rushing through the door.

"What's the problem Garroth?!" She asked between breaths.

"It's Laurance... He won't come out of his room and before you lost your memory he would listen to you no matter what you had to say. so please could you go talk to him?" I asked pleadingly.

Your POV

I agreed to talk to him. I walked up to his door and knocked.

"Hello?" I asked "It is me Y/N. Can I come in?" All of a sudden the door swung open and I walked in. Just as quickly as it opened it slammed shut behind me.

In front of me, the brown haired male stood. Laurance. However, he didn't look the same, his brown hair was matted, his once baby blue eyes dull, his eyes red and puffy and his face was stained with tears.

I pulled him into a tight hug and he immediately hugged back. I rocked him back and forth to calm him down as he cried into my shoulder. "Ssshhhh it's ok I'm here now..." I said reassuringly.

Suddenly memories flooded back into my mind. They weren't just any memories they were of Laurance and I. When we first met, when he tripped and fell on top of me, the sleepover, the maid cafe, trying to rescue me... I remember? I REMEMBER!!

"LAURANCE I REMEMBER YOU!" I shouted happily. He stared at me with tears in the corners of his eyes. I was now crying tears of joy and he joined in.

Laurance POV

I was so happy that Y/N remembered me. I hugged her tight. when I let go our faces were centimetres apart. I closed the gap between us and our lips connected. Y/N was tense but melted into the kiss. I pulled away and we were both blushing a crimson red.

"S-sorry I-I don't k-know what c-came o-over me..." I apologised rubbing the back of my neck. Y/N was blushing a bright shade of red now.

"I-It's o-ok," she said warmly "I-I d-didn't mind i-it actually." What she said surprised me.

"C'mon, you must be starving! Let's get something to eat." She grabbed my arm lightly and pulled me out of my room.

We walked out and Travis and Dante were asking me loads of questions whilst Garroth told Y/N something. She went to the kitchen to make food I'm guessing. I walked up to her and started helping her make food for everyone.

"Laurance what are you doing? You need rest. Go sit on the couch I can make food myself." She ordered.


"NO BUTS!" She said sternly. Just then Travis walked up to us.

"I heard you talking about butts-" Travis started.

"urgh!!! SIT ALL OF YOU NOW!" She shouted clearly annoyed. We all obeyed and sat on the couch as she carried on making food.

~Time Skip brought to you by NUTELLA PANCAKES! XD~

Your POV

After we had food I went back to my house to upload a video. I arrived at the house and made a video to update everyone on what had happened. I then ran out of ideas on what my next video should be about. Ember and Agate gave me some good ideas and I wrote them in my notebook then watched anime and slept.

A/N~ Hope you liked this chapter! That is it for now, my Little Flames!


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