Chapter Three

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Dedication: larryislouisxharry
Bc she made me the amazing cover for the story, and I absolutely love her books!

I cant wrap my head around how many people are already into this story! It's just amazing! I'd also like to thank everyone for getting up and over 300 followers!

Also, go check out my other stories 'Bullet Proof' which is a flowerchild!louis one. And 'The Girlfriend Mission' which is a girl!direction story x.

Will be updated randomly.



Louis' morning routine always consisted of the same things it did every other morning since he had been declared the ring leader of his grandfather's company nearly four years ago.

He would wake up in a large spacious bed, sometimes reminded of just how lonely it could be when it was only himself and his tortoise shell cat Telou in the large house sans his housekeeper and house staff.

The omega would then get ready for work and always emerge from his room in some custom made outfit, walking down the staircase to the kitchen, where his breakfast would already be cooked and plated on arrival. He would eat and talk away to his housekeeper Maria, a lovely Italian Omega in her late 30's, and/or any other staff that happened to be about.

After that, Louis would retreat to his office that he would use whenever he wanted to work from home, making important phone calls with clients and business partners; also sometimes having his weekly chat with his mother, keeping up to date with what was happening with his sisters and brother. Whenever he did though, he always avoided the question.

Are you mated yet?

Louis knew it was unusual that he was still unmated, but the world was slowly changing and people wanted to explore or go after their dreams and goals before they settled down and got mated. The numbers of people mating while still only around the ages of 16-18 were slowly beginning to decline, since they were just leaving the pup mindset.

Plus, for Louis, it was hard to find an alpha who didn't want to put their macho egotistical ways over him.

He could never be that obedient omega who served their alpha hand and foot, he was his own person and thought omegas and betas were all equal to an alpha. Just because nature made alphas more dominant does not mean they could dictate over one's life, but instead to protect and love their mates.

But it seems as though many have forgotten that part over time.

And today, it was no different.

Louis had successfully tiptoed his way around the mate subject, asking on how Doris and Ernest were handling kindergarten instead.

"I have to go soon, Mum, the meeting is in just under two hours so I better get ready to leave," He said softly into the phone as he checked the time. "Yes, I will. Tell everyone I love them. Okay, bye. Love you too."

Louis climbed out of his 2018 Lamborghini Huracan, jacket slung over his shoulder and aviator glasses perched on his nose as he walked into his company building, ignoring the poorly hidden paparazzi clicking away on their cameras. He looked like the total package, so he didn't mind too much.

"Good morning, Mr. Tomlinson." One of receptionists greeted, smiling when Louis made a stop over to the desk.

"Morning, Deborah. How're the kids?" he asked the beta as he removed his sunglasses and rested them in his breast pocket, not taking notice of the bouquet of red roses addressed to him discarded to the side. 

Deborah grinned, "Oh, they're fine. Lucy lost her first tooth yesterday, she's so happy about it." She laughed lightly, before reaching over to pluck the roses off the counter top and held them up to her boss, chuckling at the raised brow she got in return. "This was delivered this morning. Have an admirer, I see?"

"Oh, when don't I?" Louis spoke with a hint a teasing, taking them and looked at the tag.

Every rose shows just how much I miss you.- Arthur

The CEOmega snorted, ripping the tag off and chucked it in the small bin behind the desk. The flowers were from the Alpha he had coffee with over a week ago. Seriously. A week ago. 7 roses for each day it's been since they've last seen each other. Disgusting.

"I think these will look nicer out on the road, don't you think Deborah?" he asked rhetorically, "though, it'd be a shame to let something so pretty go to waste, all squashed and ruined."

Louis glanced around, spotting a vase and dropped the roses inside it.

"There we go, you can take them home with you after work. Alright Deborah, see you soon." Louis spoke, barely giving the receptionist time to say goodbye before the omega walked into the elevator and mechanical doors shutting not a moment later.

Louis pulled out his phone, scrolling through his emails as the elevator ascended up to the top level where his office was located, tapping his foot on the ground to the generic music that played. He really had to look into how to change it. Soon enough the doors opened and the boss stepped out.

Not even a moment later, Jennifer was at his side prattling off reminders as they made way to the CEOmega's office.

"Mr. Desmond Styles called the office this morning saying he's bringing someone along with him. Apparently to show him the ropes," The beta spoke, clutching her clipboard to her chest, her eyes watching as Louis sat down in the large office chair.

Louis nodded and rolled his chair close to the desk, his feet almost dangling from the height; which was thankfully concealed by the Oak wood. "Thank you Jennifer." He said, seeing in peripheral that she nodded and walked out.

Louis smiled at the four member girl group he had formed early last year, Delia, as he sat behind the pane of glass that separated him from the recording booth with one of his top producer's Steve.

"That was lovely, Jessica." He praised the beta girl with a strong and soulful voice, chuckling when the girl bounced in her spot eagerly.

Steve smiled and nodded in agreement. "Alright. Now harmonies from the first chorus." He instructed and began playing the track through their headphones. Soon the girls all begin to sing, their voices harmonizing and complimenting one another beautifully as Louis watched on proudly.

He looked at his sleek platinum watch, frowning when he saw it was twenty to two. "I'm going to head off now." He said, patting Steve on the shoulder before leaning over, pressing the button to the intercom. "Good work girls, I know this album will come along beautifully." He said through the microphone and waved goodbye before straightening himself out and walked out and away from the recording rooms.

Jennifer scurried over to her boss as soon as she saw him enter the top level, giving him a timid smile. "Mr. Tomlinson, I got a call a minute ago that Mr. Styles is stuck in traffic and gave a heads up just in case he is later than expected." She rattled out quickly, trailing behind the CEOmega through the hallways.

The Omega hummed. "That's fine, Jennifer, thank you." He said, walking into his office and got the files needed for the meeting out onto his desk, flitting a glance over to his personal assistant.

"Anything else?" He questioned. When he got a shake of the head in response, he hummed. "You may go."

He looked at the time, seeing he had another ten or so minutes left before he decided to go get himself a cuppa. He stood, walking out of his large office and through the hallways until it opened up to the main entry way where the elevator was. The CEOmega made his way to the small cafe he had built.

"A yorkshire cuppa, Mr. Tomlinson?" The barista asked as soon as she spotted her boss coming over and immediately began making the drink as soon as she received a nod.

The boss smiled politely when he was handed his drink, thanking her before he was tapped on the shoulder.

Thoughts on chapter?
-V x

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