Chapter Four

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Dedication: _SweetDisposition_ for their amazing books! Go check em out!

I honestly cant believe this story has more than 1k reads! And that some of my absolute fanfic writers are reading this!

Thank you everyone for the lovely comments and all the votes.

Will be updated randomly.



The first thing Harry noticed as soon as he arrived to EMPIRE was how freaking tall it was. It was at least 60 storeys. He has heard stories about the CEO of the company was an Omega who had managed to take on the reigns after it was handed to him by his Grandfather. And also having raised the company's gross income up by a couple more million than it had previously.

It was something quite admirable, having completed so early on in their career.

The young alpha ran a hand through his shaggy hair, clearing his throat and walked into the lobby over to the receptionist's desk; his dimples denting his cheeks and leaned against the counter top. "Er, hello-" he squinted at her nametag, "Deborah. I'm here for the 12 o'clock." He said, flirty smile morphing into something more friendly instead when his eyes caught sight of a shiny ring on the lady's finger.

Deborah gave Harry a smile when she looked up from the screen. "Oh, yes hello. You are Desmond?" She queried as she typed on her computer to sign him in.

"Oh, um. No, I'm his son, Harry... I'm here to accompany him. Is my father not here yet?" Harry spoke, humming thoughtfully when the beta shook her head.

"No not yet, you're free to go up and wait for him. Mr. Tomlinson's office is on the top floor. There's also a small café stand there, if you'd like a drink while you're waiting."

The alpha grinned, standing up with his back straight.  "Great, thanks." He said and walked to the elevators, pressing the highest numbered button as soon as he was inside.

Harry stepped out, taking note of the sleek and sophisticated everything looked. Marble was the main aspect of the building He saw famous producers and artists photos hung up on the walls, various awards and pictures of greatest milestones displayed proudly on glass shelves.

This place was the birthplace of many legends from almost 60 years ago. He even spotted a picture of Michael Jackson holding up a platinum record for the Thriller album.

He walked onto the floor with slight caution, watching as people bustled around, their scents lingering behind them. Betas and Omegas were majority, the only alphas security guards. His nose did pick up, however, one of the nicest scents he has ever had the pleasure of coming across; it smelt of vanilla bean infused with pomegranate, the sweet and citrusy smell was captivating and Harry had to stop the oncoming growl that was threatening to leave his throat.

His phone buzzed as he walked to café stand, following where the scent was the strongest. With a displeased sigh caused from the constant buzzing, the alpha pulled his phone out (it was also another product from his father's company) and answered.

"Hello?" He drawled out, looking at the display cases that had small nibble foods behind them.

"Harry son, I've just arrived at the Empire building. Are you here yet?" Desmond spoke through the phone as he climbed out of his car.

Harry nodded, "Yeah, I'm up on the top floor waiting." He spoke as he turned his head before he went quiet, jaw slackening when his eyes caught sight of an unnamed Omega facing away from him, chatting to the barista. 

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