Chapter 1.

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Sitting at my desk at the pharmaceutical company, it's a pretty normal day of work, until one of the scientists causes a scene.

"Mr. Sanchez, you can't come to work drunk." I've seen him around the building a few times before, but I've never actually spoken to him. I don't know why, but he intimidates the crap out of me. Not to mention he's handsome as all get out. I blush as my mind wanders to more pleasant thoughts. I'm snapped back to reality when I  hear his gruff, raspy voice.

"Well excuuuUUUuuse me." He replies, belching in the middle of his sentence. "That's how I w-work. I haven't been sober in years!"

"I'm sorry, but this is your last warning."

I can hear him mumble something and flip off the supervisor as he walks away. He turns and heads towards the coffee machine, which happens to be right passed my desk. I realize I'm still staring and quickly look down at my computer. I can feel my cheeks getting redder and redder as he approaches. I chance a quick look when he's next to me, hoping he's focused on the coffee machine. Wrong. Right as I look up, he looks down at me, meeting my gaze. I frantically look back at my computer, my face hot with embarrassment. He reaches the coffee machine and proceeds to get his beverage. At least, that's what I assume. I don't dare turn my head to look. After a minute or two I hear him shuffling back my way. Please don't look at me. PLEASE don't look at me. He stops next to my desk. DAMNIT. I do my best to pretend to be working on something on my computer. I don't think it's working.

"'Sup?" Oh geez. Is he talking to me?! SHIT. I see him bend down slightly out of the corner of my eye.

"So, I hate to be n-nosy, but I'm preeeEEEtty sure you've written that e-mail at least four times now." Crap. He is talking to me. I have to answer him. Can I even form words right now? Oh geez.

"Heh, ye-yeah, I guess I have. I-I guess my mind is elsewhere." A nervous chuckle escapes my lips. What the hell am I saying?! I can tell my face is bright red.I glance up at him, a weak smile on my face. His face is softer than I expected up close. A sly smirk appears across his face. So handsome. Damn. I bet- NO. STOP THINKING.

"Hmph. I wonder w-where that could be." I just stare at him, unsure of what to say. He chuckles slightly and walks away, that smirk still on his face. Did that really just happen? Or am I finally losing my mind? I try to brush it off and get back to my work. But all I can think about is that damn smile. I grumble quietly to myself.

"Ugh. I need a drink."

*Sorry this is kind of short. Also, the beginning sucks. I'm going to hopefully come up with a better beginning. Also going to work on chapter 2 now. Comments and feedback welcome and appreciated!*

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