Chapter 3.

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The next morning it feels like my head may explode.

"Oh lord, what the hell happened?" I grumble and roll over, forgetting that I'm on my couch. I hit the floor and it feels like falling into a brick wall.

"Ow! Geeeez. Oh man. Did I really drink all that?" I sit up and cradle my head in my hands.

"Holy crap, this headache. Good thing I don't have to work today." Of course then I won't get to see Sanchez. Yeah, that's what I need right now, for him to see me like this after what happened yesterday. Then I remember the flash of light from the night before. Was that real, or just a figment of my drunken imagination? I very slowly and carefully get up off the floor and head towards my bedroom. Nothing looks out of place. I guess I was just that drunk. Well, I KNOW I was that drunk.

"Yeah, I thought I saw Sanchez in my living room. I was definitely WRECKED. Ugh. Where's my phone?" I shuffle back to the living room and find my phone on the floor. Only one new text message. Oh yeah, I feel the Love. I go into my messages, expecting something from my Mother. But that's not the case.

"Hm. Not a number I recognize. Who are you, mystery texter?" I open the message and start reading.

I feel like we got off to a bad start yesterday. I'm hoping we can fix that. How about lunch? The cafe at the corner of 2nd and Main at noon. Unless you have some e-mail to fumble over four times. Hope to see ya. Rick.

It takes me a whole minute to process the words on the screen. Rick? No. SANCHEZ? No way! How in the hell-WHY in the hell?! Was he drunk too? There's no way he actually wants to see me. I spend another five minutes debating whether to actually go or not. I'm sure he's just messing with me. What else would this be? Another five minutes goes by. I look at my watch. 11:30 am.

"Shit. Well, if I'm gonna go, it has to be now. Damnit." Damnit. I haven't showered or anything. I'm sure I reek of booze. Although, judging by his comments yesterday, I'm sure he won't mind. I scramble to my room as quickly as the vertigo will let me. Luckily that cafe is just around the corner. I quickly throw off my clothes from yesterday and put on something clean. A pair of jeans and a sweater. I'm not gonna bother dressing up, I'm sure this is just a joke. I take a deep breath as I move for the front door, stopping to look at the bottles on the floor. One still has a little whiskey left in it. I pick it up off the floor and heave a big sigh.

"One for the road." I take the last gulp from the bottle and toss it back on the floor.

"Let's do this."

I decide to walk, since I have a little time and it's so close by. My thoughts wander and my heart races as I get closer and closer to the cafe. What if this isn't a joke? What if he genuinely wants to see me? But why? Why would he? Who in their right mind would, let alone him. With his gorgeous smile and intriguing eyes. and- OK, keep it together! I round the next corner and see the cafe. My stomach sinks to my knees. I didn't realize I was THIS nervous. I don't see him just yet, and I'm just a minute or two early. I take a deep breath, walk up to an empty table outside and sit down. Fidgeting with my thumbs, I keep looking around, waiting for him to walk up. I feel my face starting to heat a little. I don't know why I actually thought he would be coming. I look down at my watch. 12:10 pm. As I'm about to get up to leave, a waitress comes by.

"Oh my gosh, sorry about the wait, Miss. Busy morning! What can I get for you?"

"Oh, um, it's no problem, really. I was, uh, waiting for someone. But i-it doesn't seem like they're going to make it, so, I'm, uh, just going to-" A flash of light makes me stop mid sentence. I'm about to turn to investigate when I hear a familiar raspy voice behind me.

"Ah, there you are. L-looks like I'm just in time. Sorry to keep you waiting, Y/N." He smiles slyly at me and places a hand on my shoulder. My whole body goes tense and rigid. How the hell does he know my name? And holy crap, he's touching me! Keep it together girl.

"Um, th-that's ok." It takes all my willpower not to giggle like a school girl. The waitress smiles politely.

"So, now that you're both here, what'll it be?"

"Um, I'll just have a coffee, please." I didn't stutter, score.

"And for you, sir?"

"Hm? Oh, co-coffee will be fine. Thanks." The waitress speeds away, stopping at several tables along the way. I stare at my hands, fidgeting wildly. I can feel Sanchez- Rick, his name is Rick - staring at me, his eyes burning a hole in me. I glance up timidly meeting his gaze, and give a weak smile.

"So so-sorry to keep you waiting. I had to let y-you stew a little, y'know?" That damn smile of his. Words, Y/N. Say words.

"Oh, um, that's ok. I, uh, actually kind of thought this was all a joke, to be honest." I chuckle weakly and look off to the side. Looking into his eyes makes my heart race.

"Now why would you th-think that?"

"Well, after my brilliant display of character yesterday, I couldn't imagine why on earth you would want to see me." I continue looking off at other things, not wanting to meet his gaze. Maybe if I don't look at him, it'll be easier to form coherent sentences.

"Well, for one, that adorable shyness of yours." I finally look at him, my brow furrowed in confusion. Me? Adorable? Is he drunk still? Or again?

"Are you drunk still?" I couldn't help but blurt it out. He laughs a hearty laugh, placing a palm to his face. Just then the waitress returns with our coffee.

"Anything else for you guys?" My face is clearly still confused.

"Huh? N-no, this is fine, thank you." She scurries off again without a second guess. I just stare at Rick, confused. When he finally stops laughing he pulls a flask out of his lab coat and unscrews the cap.

"No, but I'm about to be." He states matter of factly as he pours whatever booze he has into his coffee.

"Um, wh-why would you say I-I'm adorable, are you just trying to me-mess-"

"Oh, and that. Th-that awkward fumbling of your w-words. Super cute." I can feel my face go red with embarrassment, anger and shame.

"L-look, if you're just g-going to insult me, I-I'm just going to go home." I go to push my chair back to stand up and he places his hand on my arm. I freeze, my body tense again. Damn him.

"Wh-what part of that was insulting?" He asks, concern in his voice. "I was c-complimenting you." I jerk my arm away in frustration.

"Y-yeah, but you don't m-mean it." I stare down at my coffee, my face red and tears welling in my eyes. Damnit, Y/N. Don't you dare cry. He reaches over and gently places a hand under my chin, lifting my face to meet his.

"I can assure you that I do mean it." He leans over the table, hand still on my chin, and ever so gently kisses my lips.

*Ok, so! We went from super short, to super long! But I have no idea how to end this chapter, so I'm going to stop here for now! I will work on the next chapter shortly!*

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