Chapter 1: A Cat is Born

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It all started when I had a dream a dream of being a Ninja.For years of training my goal was to the most unstoppable Ninja this whole world would ever see.Now I have to find a way to make that come true but first this is how my life story starts.

Wednesday April 6 is the first day of school at Musashi High School,I was grumpy as ever to be at school with a bunch of "Know it all" brats, unlike my lack of smartness is at an 80% but at least I have a smart Best Friend in life and that's a good thing more like a blessing to have.Anyway it was 7:30 am and I was really tired and I almost went back to sleep but luckily I have my Best Friend in the family her name is Mamori, She is the second youngest out of the five on the sister side of the family.

As Mamori shake me she says "Wake up Wake up come on get up before mom finds you still asleep and you know what happened last time".She said assured and we know that our mom is not joking even if it's on purpose, as I jump out of bed and went into my bathroom and got ready for school after that I rushed down the stairs and I saw my older sister and brother already down at the table waiting to be served like rich people do and I know that's kinda belittled of them I mean how spoiled can you get.

As the rest of my siblings came down we started eating as if we were in a hurry or the early morning rush hour or something, then our parents gave us our lunches and we went our separate ways, me and my best friend Kayano always ride our bikes to school together as we race though the neighborhood.

We were in Homeroom class before the bell rang *Breaths hard and sits down on the desk*"We finally made it huh?I knew I would beat you this time."Kayano said smart-like."Yeah right you wish."I said back.Then our Homeroom teacher came in with a smile and said "Good Morning students my name is Mr. Hoshido and I'm your Homeroom Math teacher." "Just my luck a math teacher for first period is not how I want my first day of school to be."I thought to myself as I put my head down in shame.Then Kayano seemed to think and do the same thing as me we are like the ones who think and do the same as I do.

As in hours in school past,
me and Kayano went to the cafe to hangout like usual and then there was this Handsome yet hot looking guy walking into the cafe*Heart beats fast and Blushes really red and stares dreamy*"Where have you been all my life."I said dreamy while twirling my hair then Kayano looks at me confused like"What's wrong is there a cute boy here?"Curiously she turns around and spot's the cute boy a table by himself and then says "OMG!!You like him more like love him."She said as she make kissing faces at me," I don't I...I just um.."I said shy-like."Yeah right your face says other wise and I dare you to go on a date with him I mean it's your turn to do today's dare."She said assured me."Okay fine but don't do or say anything."I said making sure,I walked slowing acting cool like then"Um hi my name is Cathleen.""Hi my name is Ayato."I stare at his beautiful brown eyes and blushes red and my heart beats really fast."Um you okay?"He said concerned"Oh yeah I'm okay really um anyway I wanted to ask if's just I have to go."Then I started to run away with my bike and then find myself lost in an back ally.

It was dark and scary looking, then I hear movement surrounding me then a group of bad guys start blocking my way"Well....well...well it looks like we have a scared little girl who is all alone."A boy said smug like"Oh really then you don't know Cathleen."I said ready to fight,I started kicking and punching my way though the bad guys and then I heard a voice and hands clapping alarmed I was in fighting stance"Don't be alarmed my dear cat, you are quite the fighter for such a young age."An old guy comes out of the darkness looking like a sensei"My name is Takashi Haru but you can call me Sensei Haru and I will teach you the basic art's of the Ninja."Is this really happening am I going to become a Ninja?"Will you agree to""Yes a million times yes"I said excitedly."Then it is a deal we start our training tomorrow"Sensei said as he walks away into the darkness.

I rode my bike back to my house and ate leftovers then I got ready for bed then my phone rang and I picked it up"Hello...hey Kayano sorry about that I didn't mean to run away like that, I promise I will ask him tomorrow okay talk to you later bye".I looked up at the ceiling and thought to myself tomorrow's another day as a Cat Ninja.

To Be Continued

Written:Jayla Newson

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