Chapter 2:Black Cat Vs. White Wolf

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The next morning I fell out of bed thinking what am I doing with my life then my alarm goes off*Moans and puts alarm clock to snooze*"I have a feeling I'm going to hate today."*Walks down stairs and sees no one at the table.*"It looks like Rita(First oldest sister)and Takashi(First Oldest brother)aren't down here yet."*That's odd.*"Looks at mom setting the table*"Hey mom how are you.""Oh okay just a little tried from your little sister last night and I rather not talk about it"."Sure,of course,I totally understand."I mean if I were mom I wouldn't even try to remember.

A few hours later in Cooking class me and Kayano were making Curry and Rice for our assignment, I had may or may not had fired the rice to brown it was the most embarrassing thing ever.Not to mention when it comes to cooking everything has to look,taste and smell perfect like the teacher said,but how do I make it up to it,well there was only one opinion to do is make a special family recipe (from my family) the traditional Ramen. As usual I got me and Kayano an easy A,I mean who would say no to Ramen. 

The next period was the dreaded PE class and our activity was DODGE BALL!Then one I dread the most, Kayano is a pro at this and she can't be defeated that easily and me I just sit on the side lines. Here's a tip if you want to avoid dodge ball  just let yourself be the target.

After school I went to the dojo for training lessons Sensei Haru thought me to use my yo-yo paw swinger, it's almost like you can swing on vines and It was also used for a Hologram Phone. Sensei thought that I might be ready for my first official battle, I was excited and nervous at the same time but I knew I was ready. My first battle was at a Secret place more like a hideout where a wanted person named "White Wolf". I couldn't let him get away with it, so then I changed into costume and swing though the streets of Tokyo. When I arrived I knew something was wrong I turned around and I was surrounded by bad guys again, then I tied them up and gave them a timeout to show them not to mess with this cat.

Next White Wolf seem impressed by my fighting skills and insisted on fighting me, without any fear I was in battle stance and we both said "Ready!""GO!" I was fast and was dodging his every attack on me then I found his weakness by him taking his eyes off of me, I surprised him with a punch in the stomach. It went silent then he fell like he had a bad stomach ace which he had then took off the mask and I saw something unforgettable and in shock.  

To Be Continued

Written By: Jayla Newson   

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