Destiel smut #1

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It was a cold and foggy night as Dean Winchester and his little brother Sam rode back to their hotel room in the impala, they had been hunting a vampire in Denver, Colorado and Sam was speeding back to the hotel since Dean had gotten injured during the hunt.
"Sammy I'm fine just turn around so we can go looking for this son of a bitch!" Dean growled holding the long cut on his arm
"Dude just shut up OK, we're gonna call Cas and get him to heal you so just save your energy. When Cas gets here I'll go after the vamp" Sam protested pulling into the hotels parking lot. Sam got Dean out of the car with great difficulty, careful to avoid hurting him any further, and when he was sure Dean was seated on his bed he sighed and closed his eyes, "Cas, we need your help: Dean got hurt and...I'm pretty sure hello kitty band-aids aren't gonna help anything so-", "Sam". The younger Winchester turned around and saw the Angel standing behind him with a bored look on his face, "Oh God!" Sam exclaimed in surprise when the scratchy voice broke his prayer, "No my name is Castiel" the Angel corrected, "I know Cas, now about Dean-", "What happened?" Cas asked stepping close to Dean.
"Well, we were fighting this vampire-"
"Which you let get away" Dean hissed
Sam shot Dean an annoyed look then continued to explain "And he threw Dean and he cut his arm" Sam finished
Cas looked down at Dean and examined the arm that was covered in blood and soaking through his coat, "Dean you're going to have to take off your many layers of top clothing if I'm going to heal you" Cas informed, "Alright while you heal him I'm gonna go look for this vampire, don't let Dean out of your sight OK?" Sam calls as he leaves, "Of course" Cas says with a nod. When the door closes Cas turns back to Dean and as the final flannel shirt was removed Cas felt his breath hitch when he sees Dean shirtless, 'Oh my dad' Cas thought to himself as he saw Dean's six pack rise and fall as he breathed. "Well are you gonna heal me or not?" Dean questioned breaking the lewd thoughts Cas had been thinking, "Oh, o-of course....s-sorry Dean", Castiel put a hand on Dean's shoulder and focused his grace to heal Dean's arm, when the cut was closed and Cas was sure nothing else was injured Cas let Dean's shoulder go and sat down on the couch across the room, "Thanks" Dean said laying down on his bed, "No problem" Cas said catching a glance at Dean's v-line that showed when Dean laid down, Cas swallowed and shifted uncomfortably when his pants began to get tight and his vessels temperature began to rise.
'What's going on? Why has this feeling been happening for the last couple of days whenever I see Dean? And why do my pants keep getting tight?' Cas questioned himself in his head
"Hey space head I'm talking to you!"
Cas looked up at Dean as he snapped out of his trance, "Yes Dean?" Cas asked, "I said you've been acting strange lately, is everything OK?" Dean questioned leaning back on his arms, "I'm fine Dean" Cas said looking away from the human's green eyes, "Oh really?" Dean asked standing up and coming closer to the Angel, Cas tensed when Dean was close and crossed a leg over the other to hid the tent in his pants.
"Cause you've been very reluctant to talk, even look, at me lately Castiel" Dean proclaimed leaning close to Castiel, "I-I'm fine Dean, and I would have to ask you to not be this close right now" Castiel whimpered, Dean smirked and tilted his head " Or what Cas?" Dean challenged in a sexual tone. Cas shivered and looked away from Dean to hide his blush, "Or...o-or..." Cas stuttered as Dean grabbed his chin and made him look at the hunter, "Aw does my little angel have a crush?" Dean tested, when Cas blushed harder Dean knew he'd hit the target. Dean chuckled and sat next to Cas on the couch, "Well then, I mean I knew you liked humans Cas but of all people to have a crush on it's me?" Dean asked, Cas looked at his shoes and Dean bit his lip.
"Cas look at me" Dean ordered in an erotic tone
The Angel slowly turned his head to Dean and in a shaky voice asked "Yes Dean?"
The Winchester smirked and put his hand on Castiel's cheek then leaned towards Castiel's face, closing his eyes as he felt the Angel's shaky lips on his.
"Dean-" Cas began before Dean sealed the kiss, Castiel just sat there stiffly as the hunter softly kissed him and when Dean got irritated with the angel's behavior he bit Castiel's bottom lip making the Angel gasp, "C'mon Castiel if you like me you better prove it" Dean purred, Castiel took a deep breath and kissed Dean back with newfound passion, Dean grunted as Cas pushed him onto the couch without breaking the kiss and moaned when the Angel pushed his tongue into the hunter's mouth, "Damn it Cas" Dean growled when his Angel shifted his hips causing his groin to push against his pants, "Wh-what's wrong Dean?" Cas asked breaking the kiss, "Nothing just...hold on". Cas sat up and Dean proceeded to push Cas onto his back and smirked down at the heavenly being, "If this relationship's gonna work then I'm on top got it?" Dean whispered close to Cas's ear, the Angel shivered them nodded quickly "Y-yes Dean". The hunter licked his lips then began to kiss Castiel again as he slowly stripped the Angels trenchcoat off of him, when the coat was thrown onto the floor Dean continued to strip the Angel never breaking the kiss, soon Castiel's shirt was thrown near his coat and Dean smiled when he noticed he left the tie on, "Why don't we have some fun with this hm?" Dean teased grabbing Cas's tie, the Angel gulped and Dean lifted Castiel to sit in his lap, the hunter began to unbuckle Castiel's belt but was stopped when the Angel grabbed his hands, "What's wrong Cas?" Dean asked eager to get them both fully unclothed, "I-I....I don't really think we should do this, Sam could come back any moment and-" Cas was silenced with another kiss and Cas sighed into Dean's mouth, his worry of Sam walking in on them was soon diminished when Dean slid his hands into Cas's pants and grabbed at his ass. When Dean was sure Cas was distracted from Dean kneading his ass the hunter undid the Angels belt with one hand and smirked when Castiel moaned when Dean came into contact with his cock, "Well someone's excited hm?" Dean mocked grabbing the Angels erection, "D-Dean!" Cas stuttered when the contact became too much then gasped when Dean gripped his cock harder, "Wh-what was that for?" Cas asked with a slightly angry face, "You're not about to cum with clothes on bud, trust me: it's a bitch to get it outta your clothes" Dean explained pulling Cas's pants off of him. Castiel gulped when Dean took both his pants and boxers off then shivered when his member hit the cool air of the hotel, "Damn Cas, for an innocent angel you're pretty big" Dean complimented as he felt his mouth water from the sight of the Angels cock, "It's actually Jimmy Novak's appendage but thank you anyways" Cas explains as Dean leans down to kiss him again, Cas turned his head and Dean gave a confused expression, "What's up with you?" the hunter asked, "Well I'm not going to be the only person in this room naked Dean" Cas makes known, Dean chuckles lightly then slowly removes his belt to tease the bottom Angel, Cas groans in annoyance when Dean slowly unzips his pants then impatiently says "Would you just take your pants off and fuck me already!", Dean and Cas sit in silence for a minute then Dean smiles, "Babysitter?" Dean asks, "No a nurse" Cas responded, Dean nodded then slipped his pants off along with his boxers and Castiel blushed, "I-I" Cas stuttered when he saw Dean's member, "Y-you're pretty big too, f-for a human" Cas said shyly, Dean smiled and kissed Castiel making sure to slid his tongue into the Angel's mouth to add to the pleasure. Castiel moaned when their erections came into contact and Dean licked a line on Castiel's neck, "Wanna do something fun?" Dean asked Cas in a husky voice, when his Angel nodded Dean smirked and helped Cas off the couch then pushed him onto his bed, "You might wanna bite something" Dean said getting on his knees, "Why do I nee-SON OF A-" Cas hurried to bite his lip as Dean's warm mouth wrapped around his cock, Dean shot quick glances at the Angel to make sure he was doing his blow job just right to make the other squirm and whimper. When Cas felt his release nearing he grabbed Dean's dirty blond hair and tried to tug the human off of him but Dean, being the kinky bastard that he is, continued to suck Cas's member adding nips and kisses to the Angels shaft.
"D-Dean, I'm gonna..!"
With that warning Cas moaned as quietly (which wasn't really that quiet) as he could as his vessel's seed filled Dean's mouth, the hunter willingly swallowed the salty fluid then with a loud pop sound took Cas's still hard cock out of his mouth, "Well aren't you the resilient one" Dean purred giving Cas's cock a kiss, Cas panted with a wide blush creeping across his face and Dean pounced on Cas catching him in another kiss, as the two rutted against each other and fought for dominance of the kiss Dean pulled a condom out of his coat pocket and pinned Castiel to the bed, "Ever done this before or are you still tight as a drum?" Dean asked
Cas tilted his head "What?"
Dean rolled his eyes remembering the only non-innocent thing the Angels come into contact with was the pizza man and apparently a nurse, "Have you ever been fucked is my question" Dean made clear
Cas blushed harder "N-no"
Dean smiled and brought two fingers to Cas's mouth then commanded him to suck on them, "What's the importance of that Dean?" Cas asked, "Just do it" Dean orders, Cas sighs then takes the two fingers into his mouth sucking and licking the two until Dean takes them out in fear he'd cum just seeing the Angels mouth around his fingers. Dean kissed Castiel as he trails the two fingers down his chest, past his cock, then traces circles around Cas's opening. "Ah, Dean!" Cas cries out, "Trust me, it gets better" (don't ask how he knows that) with the comment Dean slowly slides one finger into Castiel but stopped when the Angel hissed in a breath of air, "Too much?" Dean asked getting more turned on than concerned at Castiel's face contorted in either pain or pleasure, Castiel shook his head and clutched Dean's shoulders "Just-just keep going" Cas murmured; Dean nodded and pushed the finger in further until his knuckle hit his angels tight entrance, when he was sure Cas had adjusted to the one finger Dean slipped the second one into Cas hole and sneered when his Angel cursed, "Feel good Cas?" Dean asked in a husky voice giving Castiel a kiss on his stomach, "O-oh my-....d-Dean p-please" Cas begs when the hunter begins to pump his fingers in and out of Cas's tight entrance; when Dean was sure Cas was stretched open enough he slid his fingers out of the Angel then ripped the condom open, Cas put a hand on Dean's shoulder making the hunter look down at him with the latex clutched in his mouth, "What's up?" Dean asked, "I.... I don't wanna...." Cas muttered with a shy face
"You don't want a condom?"
Cas nodded
"Well Cas are you clean?"
"Dean I'm an angel what do you-"
"Fuck it!"
Dean tossed the condom away and brought Cas into a hot kiss that soon became a tongue battle, while they kissed Dean brought a bottle of lube (don't ask why he has that) from his duffel bag then slicked up his member, "Ready Cassy?" Dean asked making the Angel shiver, "Y-yes Dean please fuck me" Castiel begged. Dean licked his lips from the Angels erotic voice and slowly, to not hurt Cas, slipped the tip of his cock into Cas's tight entrance, Castiel sucked in a breath and shivered from the pain that formed in his vessels arse, "Cas?" Dean asked trying to focus on not fucking Cas, the Angel grabbed Dean's shoulders then what he said next almost made Dean cum right then and there.
"I-I'm fine just....damn it Dean just fuck me damn it fuck me!"
Dean flashed an animal like grin then chuckled deeply, "How do you want it?" he asked Castiel
"Dean so help me I will go to fucking Crowley for sex if you don't-" Castiel felt two hands grip his waist then looked up to see Dean looking at him
"Your wish is my command Angel"
With that Dean pushed the rest of his cock into Castiel and smirked when the Angel groaned in lust, "Fuck!" Castiel cried out in ecstasy, "You said you wanted to be fucked" Dean pulled out halfway "So you're getting what you asked for" Dean thrusted harshly back into the warmth of his Angel and groaned when he felt Cas tighten around him, "Damn it Cas" Dean growled. Castiel dug his nails into Dean's back and his eyes rolled into the back of his head when Dean, after several thrusts, hit his prostate, "Son of a bitch Dean!" Cas called out, Dean chuckled then continuously hit Castiel's prostate leaving the Angel nothing but a whimpering, groaning mess; Castiel bit his lip when Dean pulled out until only the tip was in Castiel then brought his nails down Dean's back when the demon mercilessly brought his cock back into Cas with a loud slapping noise, Dean continued the torture on Cas's prostate until the Angel brought his hands to go through dean's hair, "D-Dean, I-I'm gonna-" Castiel gasped when Dean brought a hand around his neck and gave the demon a confused look, "If you cum before me I'll buy a cock cage and brand Angel warding seals on it, how'd you think it'd feel if I turned you on every time we're alone and you couldn't touch yourself?" Dean threatened, Cas growled and brought nails back to claw at Dean's back and he felt the hunter chuckle again, "God Cas I wish you could see how damn hot you look under me, do you like getting your hole stretched open Castiel?" Dean asked thrusting harder into Castiel, the Angel groaned and lifted half his body off the bed, "Dean please...I can't" Dean thrusted again and Castiel whimpered, "Oh you will, trust me" Dean purred giving Castiel another thrust. Castiel began to pant and Dean soon followed suit feeling his release beginning to build in the pit of his stomach, the two began to fill the room with curses and moans until finally Cas gripped Dean's shoulders, "Dean...please" Cas begged yearning for his release, "Oh my God Castiel I-I" Dean moaned and filled Castiel to the brim with his cum and Castiel soon followed, painting their stomachs with his vessels sperm.
When Dean felt content he pulled out of Castiel slowly and laid next to the Angel, "I love you Castiel" Dean muttered bringing his Angel into a hug, "I love you too Dean"
The next day Castiel and Dean had dressed just in time for Sam to open the door without seeing them naked, "Hey" Dean said acting casual by sitting on his bed, "Hey what'd you guys do last night?" Sam asked, "Oh you know, just watched some tv, drank some beer, the usual" Dean responded
"Oh really?," Sam asked
"Yeah why?," Dean asked with a hostile tone
"Cause-" Sam leaned down and picked up the discarded condom packet, "I think whatever you guys did you forgot to clean up all the way."

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