Boss!Dean x Employee!Cas (fic based off the photo)

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Castiel never really had any interesting things happen at work: he woke up early, made his coffee, drove to the office, spent his days answering phone calls or typing away on his keyboard, then went home to start the same process all over again.
Day after sat this is how Castiel spent his time, but today he knew something would happen: when he walked out if the elevator and onto the floor he worked at, everyone stared at him like he'd done something wrong.
The employee cautiously sat at his desk, feeling the whole floor staring at him with his every move, and before he could even unlock his computer he got a phone all from an unrecognized number.
"Winchester Incorporated, how may we help you?," he answered, thinking it was a regular call.
"Come to my office before you leave, and make sure no one sees you."
Castiel wanted to ask the voice why, but the man hung up before he could open his mouth to respond. When he hung up the phone, he could feel his palms getting sweaty and his stomach churning.
His boss had called him. The sexy, suave, intimidating ladies man had called the same guy that had a huge, teenage-class crush on him.
"So, who was that on the phone?," a teasing voice asked him.
Castiel rolled his eyes despite his blush getting worse. "It was Mr. Winchester, he wants me to come by his office."
Gabriel, his annoying coworker, poked his head over the cubicle wall with a smirk. "That guy you have a crush on? Maybe he found your secret shrine in your drawer," the man said.
"Gabriel, please not today: I didn't get enough sleep to deal with you."
"Whatever, just make sure to tell me what he bends you over and fucks you on. Ciao, I gotta go mess with that IT guy that just started three weeks ago, he's a real cutie when he gets mad at me," the other giggled before leaving.
Letting out a deep sigh, Castiel rubbed his eyes before returning to work with the next phone call he got, his mind racing with questions and scenarios Gabriel's comment. What if his boss really did want to sleep with him? How would he be able to work in the same company as him after that?!
"Hey, you got any clips?," someone asked him.
"NO, I DON'T HAVE ANY DICKS!," Castiel responded as his mind was in the middle of a wet daydream.
Castiel had practically begged time to go faster so he could get the meeting with his boss taken care of, his need to go home and take a cold shower growing by each tick of the clock, and when he finally stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor to the building, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm down.
"Just relax, Castiel. All he probably wants to do is give you a promotion....or maybe he wants to talk to you about a project he's assigned you," he assured himself.
'Or maybe he's gonna try to get in that cookie jar of yours~," the little voice in his head purred.
Castiel was quick to make that side of him quiet when the elevator stopped on the floor his boss was on, and he reluctantly walked to the door and knocked on it softly.
"Come in!"
After hesitating to open the door, Castiel practically held his breath when he closed it behind him, and he waited for further instructions. Mr. Winchester wasn't even looking at him.
Several moments passed of the powerful man just typing away on his computer, so Castiel cleared his throat when the silence became too much.
"You um....wanted to see me, sir?," he asked.
After typing some more, Mr. Winchester closed his laptop and looked at his employee. "Mr. Novak, is it? I called you in here to word my concerns with you about how you're-"
"Oh God, Mr. Winchester I haven't done anything wrong, have I? Did I accidentally badmouth a customer? O-or file something incorrectly? I didn't mean to if I did!," Castiel assured as he stepped closer.
Mr. Winchester chuckled as he stood. "It's fine, Mr. Novak, you're not in trouble. And please, call me Dean."
Smiling, the man nodded, coming closer to the other. "Rolls of the tongue better than 'Mr. Winchester', doesn't it?," he asked.
Castiel looked away as his face began to heat up. "I....I guess so."
Dean bit his lip at the innocent display. "You know, Mr. Novak, I've been...watching you for a while now...," he purred as he pet the employee's tie.
Castiel shifted slightly. " you?"
"And...I think you've been doing some things on purpose," Dean growled, pulling his prey close.
"Wh-what do you mean? I haven't done anything wrong!"
"Oh please, don't act like you're all innocent and pure: the way you sway your hips when you walk, those delicate blue eyes, and the fact that you always look so goddamn cute." Dean smirked. "Made me hard every time I saw that pretty face of yours, had to cum by myself earlier just because I saw that sweet ass in the break room. I'm getting one right now, as we speak."
Castiel blinked in surprise, not knowing what he should do. This was almost like some weird romance novel he'd read. "So...what do you want me to do about it?"
Dean licked his lips, then wrapped an arm around Castiel's waist and cupped his face with his hand. "You're gonna help me clean up~"
The employee gasped in surprise when he was scooped up and slammed onto the desk roughly, his lips soon connected with his boss's after Dean pushed everything off and laid Castiel on it, and when they separated to catch their breath, they both couldn't do anything but look at each other with flushed faces.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this, you pretty little angel," Dean purred as he kissed at the other's neck.
Castiel whimpered when the sensation in his neck sent shivers throughout his body, and he watched as the man kissed down his body and began unbuckling his pants.
"W-wait a second, we can't just do it here! What if someone comes by?," Castiel exclaimed as he tried to back away.
Dean's eyebrow raised as a smug smirk appeared on his face. "I think someone barging in on us is the least of your problems right now, Cas."
Gasping for breath as he watched his pants being pulled down, Castiel's back arched when he felt something warm and wet envelope his cock before pulling away with a soft pop, and he let out a shaky sigh when he heard his boss chuckle darkly.
"Someone's been desperate for this, haven't they?," Dean asked as he started stripping his shirt off.
Castiel could only nod as he sat up and started taking his own shirt off while Dean took his belt off, and he was soon shoved against the desk again and left helpless as his hands were tied together about him.
"Dean, y-you're not really going"
Castiel's sentence was cut off when his boss pulled a condom out of his pocket and held it in his mouth while he unbuckled his pants at a teasingly slow pace, and when it was fully out he gasped at the length.
'God almighty, give me the strength,' Castiel thought as he took the man's fingers into his mouth when they were placed in front of him.
Dean watched the sight with an eager look in his eyes, dying to make the angel under him scream from delight, and when his fingers were properly lived with saliva, he nibbled at Castiel's neck as he slid his fingers into the bottom's opening.
"M-Mr. Winchester!," Castiel shouted when he felt the intrusion.
Dean looked up with a seductive look. "Didn't I tell you to call me Dean, little thing?," he asked softly.
Castiel gasped as another finger pushed into him, then twitched when they started moving in and out of him. "D-Dean....this is torture....Your cock....please put your cock in," he begged.
Dean bit his employees neck, only pulling away when he knew a mark of ownership had formed. "Keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut or I'll have to gag you," he warned.
Castiel tried his best to stay quiet as the digits inside of him were pulled out and he felt something warm press against his opening, and he looked down as Dean shoved his member into him.
They both groaned at the sensation of the other, and Dean grinned predatorily when he looked down and saw the employee shaking with lust.
"Such a pretty thing you are, Novak. Almost like your doing it on purpose to rile me up," Dean growled as he moved his hips slowly.
Castiel groaned at the sensation of his boss inside of him, and when Dean slammed himself into the other, he cursed as his eyes rolled back into his head.
"D-Dean....more....give me more," he begged.
Dean practically growled as he grabbed his prey's waist and began pounding into him ruthlessly, ready to break both the desk and the man under him to bring them both to climax, and soon he felt a pool of warmth spreading in his stomach, and he pulled Castiel's legs onto his shoulders to hit the other's spot.
"SON OF A BITCH, D-DEAN!," Castiel cried out.
"There we fucking go, you goddamn dirty boy!," Dean shouted before biting the other's neck again.
Castiel was seconds from coming apart now, the continuous sound and feel of the man pounding against him bringing his orgasm closer by the second, and before he could cum on the desk, he felt the other pull out of him and pull him up.
"What...what're you-," Castiel began before he was pulled into his boss's lap and slid back on the thing he'd been dreaming about since meeting his employer.
"Ride me," Dean demanded.
Castiel blushed harshly. "Wh-....what?," he asked quietly.
With a cruel smirk and a devious look in his eyes, Dean pulled on the other's hair and growled, "Ride. My. Cock. Now."
Castiel let out a sigh as he brought his hands around the other's neck and began moving like he was told to, but after several moments of shifting up and down carefully, Dean rolled his eyes, then gripped Castiel's waist and moved him on his dick faster.
"DEAN!," Castiel shouted.
"Don't 'Dean' me, unless you don't wanna cum?," the other asked before continuing.
Castiel made lewd noises and fluttered his eyes closed as his body revived wave after wave of pleasure, and he touched his forehead against Dean's when he was close again.
"Dean...Dean....DeanDeanDeanDean DEAN!," Castiel called before climaxing.
"Son of a-!," Dean growled as he came.
Both men gasped for breath as they came down from their high, Dean kissing at Castiel's body and giving words of comfort until the other assured he was fine, and after they both dressed themselves and left the room, Castiel was going to leave until his hand was grabbed.
"You don't want me to walk you to your car?," Dean asked.
Castiel blushed madly, then scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um....o-only if you want he said before walking with his boss.

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