Vampire!Dean x Human!Cas (Pt.1....maybe 😈)

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"Prince Dean, there is a human close by our territory. Should we allow him access to the palace, my prince?"
Sitting atop his dark throne, Dean took a long drag from the red liquid in his chalice and smirked to himself, red eyes glowing with dark intention. "Let them in, Micheal, I've got an appetite for new blood."
The servant nodded. "Yes, my prince," he said before walking away.
Castiel hugged himself as he tried to fight off the chills running through his body from the frigid cold air, and he looked at his phone for what felt like the hundredth time since he's gotten separated from the tourist group he'd been with.
"Dammit! Still no service." He groaned inwardly to himself. "I shouldn't have tried to catch that Pokémon earlier. Stupid Pokémon Go, getting me separated from my group," he murmured.
Castiel walked on further until he reached a set of black gates overgrown with what appeared to be the same colored ivy leaves, and he started to back away before he heard them creak open.
"Why hello there."
Jumping back at the voice behind him, the lost traveller turned to see a man dressed in what appeared to be Victorian Era-style clothes with bags under his eyes standing there with a sadistic smile on his face.
Castiel hugger himself again, this time out of comfort more than the cold. "H-...hello? Who're you?," he asked a bit crueler than he'd wanted it to sound.
The other man chuckled. "My name isn't necessarily important, but I will tell you that you I'm trustworthy enough to assure you no harm will be done to you if you will follow me. I can tell that you're cold, and my master would be more than welcome to let you stay in his castle as his guest," the man said in a smooth voice.
Castiel looked to where the other was flourishing towards and gasped at what he saw: towering in the distance, an eerie castle stood with the only lights seeming to be flickering torches spread out sparingly, and the area around it was seemingly surrounded by storm clouds despite everywhere else in the sky being clear.
"Would you care to join my master tonight?," the man asks.
Before Castiel could open his mouth to answer, a feeling of obedience washed over him like a cold bucket of water being splashed on his body, and he nodded slowly before following the man like a pet.
"Good. My master will be pleased to know you're accepting his invitation."
Castiel allowed himself to be lead through the halls of the castle (the spell cast upon him giving him no choice, really), and when they reached a large mahogany door the man opened it to reveal a grand bedroom.
"The maids have already drawn a bath for you and set out a pair of clothing for you to change into. My master will be waiting for you in the dining quarters. I'll send a maid to assist you in finding where you're supposed to go."
With that the doors were closed behind Castiel and he seemed to come out of his trance with the sound of the slamming, and he looked around frantically in panic. He could barely remember coming here, but it did come back in little pieces that made his head hurt the more he thought about it.
Deciding that he should just let it be, Castiel walked towards what he luckily guessed was the bathroom and stripped off his clothes, throwing them into a small pile in the corner before he allowed himself to slip into the warmth of the water in the ceramic bathtub, and he sighed contentedly as the cold mopping at him disappeared. He allowed himself to lay his head back and close his eyes to relax, but still a feeling of unease was still lingering at the back of his mind.
Was he really safe here? Where his friends looking for him as he sat here in a luxurious bathtub? Was this some kind of strange Victorian-style LARPing party that he'd accidentally stumbling upon?
Castiel couldn't help but to allow the thoughts to linger, but he still allowed himself to relax despite his panic.
Walking back to his master's throne, Micheal stood next to the man's chair and smiled.
"You'll be pleased to know that your next meal is making sure he's warmed up in his bath. He was close to freezing to death when I found him, it would be wise to make sure he stays warm."
The vampire prince ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair and let out a deep sigh. "What does he look like, Micheal?"
The servant hummed in content. "He's quote the sight, to be completely honest with you: baby blue eyes, shaggy black hair, delectable pale skin, and he smells like honeysuckle and lilac. You will enjoy him, I'm sure."
Dean smirked to himself, then with a wave of his fingers a black mirror appeared before him.
"Show me the man my servant speaks of," he demanded.
The mirror's reflective surface swirled for a moment before the man he'd invited into his home came into view, and the vampire gasped in awe at the sight. The man was the most beautiful specimen he'd ever seen.
"Micheal, he's.....he's.....," he whispered faintly.
"Is he as I described him, my prince?"
Dean nodded, his attention partially still on the beautiful stranger. "He's more beautiful than you described, my friend. It's almost criminal to think that I would imagine harming such a beautiful creature," he said as he stroked his fingers on the image.
Micheal looked to his master with a curious glint in his eyes. "You're not thinking of becoming attached, are you? He's a human, my prince, not a vampire."
"Doesn't matter, I will turn him and he will be mine. I won't allow him to be anyone else's."
Stepping down from his throne, Dean walked away from his servant and stopped at the doors to his throne room, turning to the other man.
"Make sure that the banquet tonight is grand. I want to leave a good first impression on my future bride," the man said before throwing the doors open and walking away.
Micheal let out an exasperated sigh. "As you wish, my prince," he said before disappearing.
Castiel finally opened his eyes after the short nap he'd allowed himself to drift into, and he sat up slowly from the headache he'd accumulated from resting his head on the edge of the bathtub.
'Ah, that was a horrible fucking idea. Gotta get up and get dressed if I don't want to be rude,' he thought to himself.
After wrapping himself up in the fluffiest towel he'd ever felt in his entire life, Castiel walked out of the bathroom and looked to the bed to see a pair of 1800s clothing sitting on the blanket, and he picked up the first item: a black vest with golden swirls sewn into the material and dark red buttons. He looked to the rest of the outfit and looked back into the bathroom to see if his own clothes were still in the corner, but to his horror it appeared as though they'd been taken while he was sleeping.
The thought of someone sneaking into the bathroom to take his clothes while he was in a vulnerable state makes him shiver, and after drying off quickly he dressed himself with great difficulty from how complicated it was to put on the clothing.
He had to admit that it wasn't the basic short-sleeve shirt and pants he was used to, but he had to admit that the clothes hugged his curves in a way nothing in his own wardrobe could.
A knock on his door made him start, and he walked to the door and hesitated slightly before answering, "Who is it?"
"I'm here to escort you to my master. He's waiting for you in the dining room," a woman's voice responded.
Opening the door slightly, Castiel gulped when he saw another eerie-looking person on the other side, a young girl with blonde hair and distant eyes, and he opened the door fully. She was wearing a long, black and white dress, clearly the attire of a maid, and it made him uncomfortable that these people were dressed so....well, ancient.
"My name is Jo, I'm here to take you to the banquet," she repeated.
Castiel nodded, attempting to control his still-soaked hair to make himself busy and not look to the girl. "Y-yes, of course. Thank you."
Soon the two were walking down corridors full of strangely accurately-painted portraits of people dressed in the same 1800s attire, and Castiel looked to Jo, the back of her head being the only thing that didn't make him feel strange.
He wanted to make conversation with her, but before he could open his mouth to say anything she stopped in front of a pair of double doors and stepped to the side.
"We are here. My master is on the other side," she said in her monotone voice.
"Thank you, Jo," Castiel said before entering the room.
The man was surprisingly unsurprised that the table was full of wonderful-smelling scents from the different array of foods placed on it, and he stared at it all with hungry eyes, not noticing that another had silently crept behind him.
"A wonderful sight, isn't it?"
Castiel almost knocked over a cup turning so sharply, and he gasped when his eyes locked with two ruby-colored orbs.
The other man smiled down at him, grabbing Castiel's hand softly. "My name is Prince Dean Winchester. It's nice to meet your acquaintance," he said before leaning down and placing a kiss on the other's hand.
Castiel looked around nervously, then nodded. "I-it's nice to meet you as well, Prince Dean. I didn't realize I'd be accompanying royalty tonight," he responded, trying his best to sound as well-spoken as possible.
Dean stood up and waved his hand towards the table. "Please, sit. You must be famished from your ventures, no?"
Castiel's stomach spoke for him as it grumbled loud enough to make the man blush from embarrassment, and he allowed the prince to push out a chair for him and push it back in when he was sat down.
Dean sat from across Castiel and was the first to begin his meal, placing everything he could reach on his plate, and Castiel did the same, soon devouring anything he could shovel into his mouth without choking.
The prince smiled to himself, entertained by the sight. "You must be quite hungry to be eating in such a way. Let's make sure it doesn't happen again, hm?"
Castiel swallows his bite, then chuckles a little. "You say that as though you're planning to let my stay here for a while longer," he said nervously.
Dean folded his hands together and rested his head on them, a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Oh, my darling, you must not understand who I am. If not, I'll let you know now." Dean had to hold back a smirk as he watched Castiel flinch as the exits leading out of the dining room slammed closed, and he ran a finger on the rim of his chalice.
"You're not going anywhere."
AAAAAALRIGHT, that's gonna b part one of his little story, hopefully you like it and I can find time to make a part 2 should it be wanted.
Thanks for reading, see ya soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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