Basically the comics called "Code Destruction" and it's about my old ponsona Axle and that she always thought of Discord of an actual nice person/pony (idfk) and so this was actually before he reformed, so he was still in the stone thingy, Axle thought it'd she could reform Discord, she let him out of the stone thing, she befriended him and he played along with her trying to earn her trust, she ended up trusting him then Discord used the love and trust she gave him and took over Equestria and he destroyed the elements of harmony and hidden the mane six and sent luna and Celestia to the moon, and he was torturing Axle for 3 months , until she had enough so right here is where Discord's mocking her for being too naive and kind, she injured her hind and back legs.... So yey idk if i should redo the whole story...
Songs i listened to while making this. . .