Chapter Twenty Five

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    The weather had finally taken a break and there was barely any snow on the ground. So Shadestar and her kits were enjoying the somewhat warmish weather that leafbare offered. Shadestar herself was laying down on her side, and her kits were all playing together somewhat close to her. Shadestar closed her eyes for a second before she heard a yowl.

    "Attack!" Shadestar jumped to her paws as she saw in horror a group of rouges and kitty pets led by a menacing dark gray tom, the one who had called the attack call. All the cats emerged from their dens, hackles raised, claws out.

    "Get out of my camp!" Shadestar hissed at the dark gray tom.

    "Your camp?!" The tom hissed. "This was once my home! I was to be deputy! And then leader! Not Badgerclae!  And certainly not you!" The tom hissed.

    "Silverclaw!" Mistyflame meowed. "How dare you return here!"

    "I have come to take back what is mine!  Attack!" Silverclaw hissed and the rouges and kittypets lunged. Shadestar was tackled by a white shecat who scratched Shadestar's  nose. Shadestar bit the cat's shoulder , staring her white fur red.

    "Pearl, no!" A brown tom, hissed as Shadestar scratched Pearl's face.

    "Shut up Dusty!" She hissed at him. Dusty glared and ran off and attacked Echofoot. Shadestar rose to her paws just in time to see Silverclaw slash open Aspenberry's stomach.

    "No!" Shadestar screeched and she started running to her beloved best friends side, only to be pushed to the ground by a black shecat. The black shecat bit her back leg, and Shadestar spun around and threw the shecat off, and she crashed into Graywhisker, who pinned the shecat down. Shadestar frantically ran to Aspenberry's side. She was still alive but barely.

    "Aspenberry? No, you can't die! No! This isn't fair..." Shadestar shook in terror and grief. Aspenberry smiled up at her friend.

    "It will be alright, will be alright."

    "Aspenberry, no! Don't leave me!"

    "Goodbye, my dear Shadestar. I will always be with you." Aspenberry spoke softly before she laid her head down and sighed her last breath. Shadestar's paws shook. Her eyes narrowed. She turned around to face a gray cat who lept at her. Shadestar slashed the toms chest fur and blood flew through the air as the tom fell to his paws. She jumped over him to see Jayspirit and Robinfoot fighting side by side. Mistyflame battled against a blue gray shecat. How could any cats attack an elder!

    "Come, kits!" Toadpelt meowed, bringing Stormkit, Rainkit, and Lightningkit to safety. A gray and white cat stalked him.

    "Toadpelt, watch out!" Shadestar called out. The kits hid under a bush while Toadpelt jumped in front of the kits, only to get his neck bitten into and the cat didn't let go until he stopped moving. Shadestar watched in horror. The gray and white cat dropped his body, and Toadpelt's eyes were frozen open. Shadestar was tackled by a tortoiseshell shecat. Shadestar  rolled over and scratched and clawed the shecat. She finally shoved her off of her just in time to see Lilykit in the jaws of Silverclaw. Shadestar tried to run to reach her, but two black cats blocked her path. They hissed and Shadestar was frozen in fear as they pinned her down. She clawed at them, clawing deep into their skin, but Silverclaw tossed Lilykit down. She didn't moved her fur stained with blood. He moved swiftly around, dodging the attacks. Shadestar finally slashed the one black cats throats to run to Lilykit's body. She lay there still. She was already dead. Shadestar felt fury and she spun around to see Silverclaw's paw on Oakkit's body. She also saw Pebblekit's slowly breathing body next to her. He smirked evilly and spun around. Shadestar ran to her kits bodies, her throat tightening.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now