Kratos, was not a god of destruction,
Nor a god of violence or death,
He was the god of strength and power,
But sure was no coward,
Through all the trouble
And awful sights he has seen,
No god or goddess
Has seen him weep feelings.Kratos was first with many women,
That he was not ashamed,
Though he fell in love with a woman,
Lysandra was her name,
That which he proudly claimed.He married her and with him
Lysandra bared a child,
They had a baby girl named Calliope,
She was born with a healthy mind,
Spirited and wild,Though one day when Lysandra
And Kratos were asleep,
The evil fallen god named Ares,
Stole baby Calliope,
And out the window he leaped,
They awoke from the clatter of
The window doors,
In terror Lysandra cried on the floor,
Kratos of course worried,
But strong as he was,
He wasn't in a scurry,
And remained calm without a fuss.The next day Kratos sent every
Guard in the land,
To see to it that Calliope was
found at last,
Lysandra laid in bed and weeped so,
As Kratos remained emotionless,
More then any had ever known,
They stayed at home,
While everyone was on watch
Of their daughter,
They never suspected what god,
would have got her.

When Kratos Weeped (a Greek mythology story)
PoetryKratos was to be strong, he never weeped, until the day he let go, and admits his defeat. Short story/poem -the story was created by me The characters were not