Kratos went home but when he walked in the door to his surprise,
Ares stood there and held captive
all his brothers and sisters,
and his wife and child,
Kratos was furious and was ready to fight,
He was ready to put fourth all his might,
He knew he had to do this to save their lives,
He would try, and try, and try.He swung at Ares and Ares swung at him,
By the time the battle was over Kratos
had lost everything, He did everything,
He took every swing,
He put in every bit of strength,
and put out his bravery at the most of length.
He did everything he could have,
Everything that could be done was done,
Almost all things, except for one.When he fell on to his knees in failure,
He realized what a failure he had become,
He realized that he lost his wife, his child, his family and everything from
The horrible Ares that won,
When he realized this, and he was no longer on his feet, that was the first moment that Kratos weeped.Kratos' tears fell from his eyes,
They were so magically special,
that they themselves were a disguise,
The tears gathered up and formed an invisible peek, they formed more and more as Kratos
weeped.It made a wave of water that gushed Ares to the dirt, it also broke the cage which held Kratos's family, he did a well done work.
Kratos never knew that showing some emotion,
or even a tear,
would save his family,
from evil that lingers near

When Kratos Weeped (a Greek mythology story)
PoetryKratos was to be strong, he never weeped, until the day he let go, and admits his defeat. Short story/poem -the story was created by me The characters were not