the hunger games Effie's POV

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This is a little bit of my second fanfic Dear Diary, Love, Effie {Book Two} hope you enjoy! Sorry if it's kinda confusing.. Oh and it's not exactly hayffie but it's not exactly.. not.. lol

My day started like it normally does on reaping day..
Get off the train and go get Haymitch ready.
I let myself in because I knew that I would find him passed out drunk, like every year. I am careful to step over all his garbage... Used clothes, vomit, and empty bottles.
I find him sitting in a kitchen chair passed out with a knife in his hands.Sigh last time I found him with a knife in his hands he cut my dress and left some nasty cuts on my stomach. I grab the knife out of his hands carefully as to not disturb him. I then shake him hoping it'll work this time... it did lucky for me. He kept going on and on about how much he loved me. I tried to get him to shut up. I didn't need the peacekeepers outside to hear him. He refused to put on the clothes I brought for him. We argued about it for close to an hour. Finally I coaxed him into wearing a tie with the clothes he already had on.
Show time. I thought to myself when we finally got to the city hall. Peacekeepers were still setting up the cameras as we made our way into the building. Mayor Undersee was there waiting for us. He offered us some strawberries, Haymitch refused. I accepted and plucked one -careful not to get juice stains all over my manicure. The bursts of strawberry was just what I needed to help get me through today. Relax -I thought to myself- you've been doing this for almost twenty five years now.. you got this. and we're rolling! Mayor Undersee walks out the building and takes a seat; Next the head peacekeeper- I always forget his name; After a couple more people, it's my turn, I walk out and take my seat. After a few minutes we all turn and look at the double doors.
Where is he?! I thought. Oh well; the show must go on. I grit my teeth and walk up to the microphone. There he is! He goes to sit down yelling obscenities. He's so drunk that he then gets up and tries to give me a hug when he spots me on the platform! I immediately back away hoping he'll snap out of it before he goes any farther.
I gave my little speech about the games. Ladies first! The microphone echos my voice. I put my hand in the bowl and swish it around some before I find the one I want. I go back to the microphone and open it up. "PRIMROSE EVERDEEN!" I call out. I watch as all eyes go to a little girl probably her first year. She stares in disbelief as she walks towards the platform, when someone yells out "I VOLUNTEER I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" All of the eyes that were once on Primrose now dart to the older girl who is running towards her.
I was in complete shock. No one had ever volunteered in twelve, it was always the career districts. Sometimes they have people fighting over who will get to go.
The older girl walked up the steps to me. I asked her what her name was, she said it was Katniss Everdeen. She volunteered for her sister!
Of course Haymitch chose that moment to make another scene..
He went staggering across the stage to congratulate her.
He then went on about how he liked her and how she had, "lots of spunk!" He then started yelling at the cameras about how she had more spunk or something than the Capitol. Before I could get him to shut up he falls off the stage and knocks himself out. The peacekeepers had to wheel him inside the city hall. So embarrassing! After they wheeled him away on a stretcher I walked over to draw the boy's name.
"PEETA MELLARK!" The crowd moves around some as they search for him. He makes his way up. Mouth open -clearly in shock-. Handsome for a boy his age messy blond hair, stout build, and dark blue eyes. Clearly from town.
After Peeta made his way up the platform steps I take my seat as Mayor Undersee starts reading the Treaty of Treason. It is always so long and boring... then he made the tributes turn and shake hands.
As soon as the anthem ends, they're whisked away. Put in some containment room until the train is ready to leave the station again.
During this time they are usually visited by family and close friends who would like to say goodbye.
I'm always off signing custody papers in the mayor's office. Once they leave their district they are placed into my care. It's always so nerve-wracking having two tributes in my care. You never know what they're going to do.
After the last signature was signed, we boarded onto the train. Haymitch immediately went staggering to the bar car -like he needed anymore to drink- Peeta and Katniss went looking around. I told them they could do anything they wanted as long as they were back in the dining car in an hour.
I had forty-five minutes all to myself. What to do? I thought. Might as well freshen up.. all the makeup I could ever ask for was sitting on my vanity.
Finally it was time for dinner. I walked down to Katniss' quarters. Knocked on the door twice, hoping she would open up.
She did and she had changed too.. Dark green shirt with black jeans.
We walk in silence on our way to the dining car. When the doors slide open it reveals Peeta sitting, waiting for us. Haymitch is nowhere in sight. I grit my teeth great leave me alone with the tributes-again!
"Where's Haymitch?" I decide was a polite question to ask. "Last time I saw him, he said he was going to take a nap." Peeta replies. "Well it's been an exhausting day." I say, ending the conversation.

Dinner arrived, finally we don't have to sit in awkward silence any longer! Carrot soup was brought out first with a light salad, lamb chops and mashed potatoes, assorted cheeses and fruit, and for dessert a chocolate cake.
I had to keep reminding them to slow down so that they could save room for everything.
"At least, you two have decent manners!" I say "The pair last year ate everything with their hands like a couple of savages. It completely upset my digestion."
Shortly after I said that I couldn't help but notice Katniss started eating with her hands.
After dinner, we went to watch the recap of the reaping across Panem in the den car. I can't believe Haymitch almost knocked my wig off! Katniss and Peeta of course have a good laugh at the way Haymitch was acting. For some reason that really ticked me off, so when Haymitch came staggering in asking if he missed dinner just to vomit and then collapse into it, I fled the room leaving them with the mess to clean up.

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