Chapter 14

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Shadeheart's POV:

"Catch mee!" Flintkit wriggled his haunches and prepared to jump from Blossomfur's head onto Shadeheart's back as he strolled past.

"Wait, you'll get hurt!" Blossomfur hissed, lowering her head so that Flintkit couldn't jump. But he already leapt away from her, slamming into Shadeheart's side.

Shadeheart gasped in surprise, darting to catch his kit. "Flintkit!" He hissed as he caught the little tom in his paws. "Don't do that!"

"You caught me!" Flintkit cheered, rolling onto the floor of the nursery cave. "Did you see that?" He asked his littermates. "Father caught me!"

Shadeheart shook his head with a sigh. "Don't do it again." He meowed. "Because next time I might not catch you."

"No fair!" Shadowkit whined. "Now I can try it!"

Cinderkit pawed at her sister. "Stop yelling!"

"You stop yelling!" Shadowkit squeaked back.

"Shut up both of you!" Flintkit joined in, pouncing on his littermates.

A war broke out in the nursery. Soon all the kits joined in; even Flamekit and Snowkit.

They were so distracted with their battle they didn't even notice Bluesnow was starting to kit.


Blossomfur's POV:

Blossomfur was startled by the sound of Bluesnow crying out in pain. She snapped her gaze to the blue she cat to see her writhing in her nest. Were her kits coming?

"Her kits!" Flowerstream darted to her paws, her eyes wide. "Get the medicine cats!" She looked at Shadeheart. "Go!"

As Shadeheart scrambled out of the den, Blossomfur brought her kits closer to her belly.

"What's going on?" Flintkit squeaked, his eyes wide.

"Bluesnow's kits are coming." Blossomfur murmured, looking at the blue she cat. Those kits are half Shadeheart's. Blossomfur bared her teeth. If he cares for those Lightclan scums more than my kits... I'll kill them. And Bluesnow can die too!

"Aaah." Bluesnow hissed. "Why now?"

"Better late then never." Redleaf murmured, resting her tail over the blue queen's back.

Shadeheart stormed back into the den, collapsing beside Bluesnow. "Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

Blossomfur held back a growl as Bluesnow answered. "Fine, just fine."

Leave her alone! You're supposed to be my mate! You should care for me and our kits! The cream furred she cat didn't realise she was tearing at her nest until Shadowkit squeaked for her to stop.

Flowerstream sent a glare at Blossomfur, clearly warning her to calm down. You're not my mother! Blossomfur flattened her ears at the older queen. You may have raised me, but you hold no power over me!

Shinewing, Marigoldfur and Wrenpaw hurried in with their bundles of herbs. If only NoName had cut the herb rations for this moon! Then Bluesnow wouldn't get help from them!

As the three medicine cats began to work on Bluesnow, Blossomfur tried to ignore them. She focused on her own kits. 

Cinderkit was watching the medicine cats from her perch at the lip of the nest. Her vibrant green eyes were round with awe as she watched the three prisoners feed the queen some mashed herbs.

"Aren't you scared, Cinderkit?" Shadowkit squeaked, hiding behind her sister.

"Never! This is amazing!" Cinderkit whispered, not breaking her gaze away from the scene.

Blossomfur frowned. "What's so amazing about it?"

"The medicine cats... They know exactly what to do to help everyone in need!" Cinderkit mewled. "Can I get a closer look? Please!" She glanced up at her mother.

Blossomfur grumbled. "Fine. But be careful. Don't get in their way."

Cinderkit grinned and rolled out of the nest, bounding up to Shinewing, Marigoldfur and Wrenpaw. "Hai!"

Shinewing glanced down at Cinderkit. "Oh hello there." She smiled.

"Can I help?" Cinderkit asked.

Wrenpaw gasped. "No! You're a kit!"

Marigoldfur cut in. "Be quiet Wrenpaw. Cinderkit can help out if she wants to." The she cat smiled down at the little kit. "Here, take this wet moss and give it to Bluesnow to drink from."

Blossomfur watched closely as her kit happily padded up to Bluesnow's head and passed the moss to her. Bluesnow uttered a small mumble of thanks before letting out an almighty yowl of pain. Cinderkit took a single step back, but appeared unaffected by the loud noise.

"The first kit is coming!" Marigoldfur meowed. "Wrenpaw, get ready. You know what to do, right?"

Wrenpaw nodded, the young she cat's eyes bright with determination. "Lick the kit until it cries and then place it at Bluesnow's belly."

"Well done." Shinewing praised her apprentice. "You're doing well."

Marigoldfur paused to murmur to Shinewing. "You're doing a great job in training Wrenpaw. Nutwhisker would be proud."

Shinewing smiled softly, but her eyes shone with grief. "Thank you."

Blossomfur blinked. She had forgotten who Nutwhisker was. It seemed everyone else in the den except for Bluesnow and Flowerstream were confused as well, but they stayed silent as Bluesnow's kitting drew on.


I'm at that stage where I'm not bothered to write anymore because this is going on for too long and it's becoming tiring. And this is only book three. I've got a lot more to do if I want to finish this series successfully. Seems like others have given up on this too; the number of reads are steadily declining with each chapter. :,)

Anyway. I apologise for the slow updates.

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