Finding Out

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Before commenting please check out the authors note at the end of the chapter! Thanks for reading!



You just finished putting away the last of the clean clothes and making you and Harrys bed when you felt lightheaded and nauseous and as you sit down on the edge of the bed you feel as though you could faint. You grab your cell phone from your pocket and dial Harry since he is at the studio with the boys recording the new album. After it rings a few times you hear his voicemail and hang up and call Gemma, Harrys sister. 


"Hi Y/N, Whats up" you hear from the other line

"Gem, somethings wrong and I can't get a hold of Harry, can you come get me and take me to the doctor?"

"Of course I will be right over"

"Thanks Gemma, Im laying down in my room so just let yourself in when you get here."

"Ok, see you soon"

You hang up and put your phone on the nightstand and lay back on the freshly made bed and slowly drift to sleep. The next thing you know you are waking up in a hospital bed, you look around and see Harry on your side holding your hand and Gemma standing in the corner speaking with a nurse.

"Harry?" you croak out

"Im right here baby" he says as he rubs him thumb against your cheek.

"Wh-What happened?"

"You passed out after you called Gemma, we have been waiting for the doctor to come back to tell us whats going on"

"Oh" was all you could say. As if on cue the doctor walked into the room.

"Hi, Mrs. Styles. Dr. Brook, nice to meet you." She said as she walked over to me. 

"Hi Dr. Brooks, what is going on" you ask nervously

"Well, we ran some blood tests and I have the results...." She said pulling a paper out of a folder. You instantly feel your heart race. You had been sick before Harry and you met which was why you couldnt get pregnant and all you could think was something else was wrong.

"Dont look so nervous Mrs. Styles, this is good news" she says as a smile appeared across her face

"You are pregnant, about 2 weeks along!" She said as she hands you the blood test results

"What" You practically shot up in the bed. 

"Are you serious?" Harry said looking at the doctor and then at you

"Yes, and because of that you had become dehydrated and slightly anemic. Harry had mentioned to me you had been sick so because of this it is crucial that we monitor the pregnancy carefully as to make sure everything goes smoothly."

"Oh My god! I cant believe this!" you feel Harrys arms wrap around you and you look up to his beautiful green eyes as he kisses you.

"Oh Harry, I cant believe it this is amazing!" you said as you pulled back from him.

"Wait, my doctors had told me I couldnt get pregnant, how did this happen?" You ask the doctor

"I dont know, sometimes this sort of thing just happens." she says with a smile 

"So does that mean I can go home now?" You ask the doctor

"Well we have been giving you fluids and we want to keep you here for a little while longer just to monitor you but after that you can go home. I am also going to write you a prescription for pre-natal vitamins and it is very important that you take them every day." She says to you as you nod at her and take the prescription from her and she walks out.

"Can you put this in your pocket babe?" You hand the prescription to Harry

"Of course babe. I am so happy about this! I just dont understand how it happened...."

"I know me neither" 

"I just want you to know I am really happy about this and I want to do everything I can. Maybe I can take a little time off from the band..."

"No, Harry, I dont want to do that to you."

"Its okay babe, I want this"

"Okay" you say as he kisses you again

After a few hours the hospital discharges you and Harry drives the two of you home. Since your still feeling a little lightheaded Harry helps you out of the car and into the house. After leaving your coat and boots by the door Harry and you go upstairs to the bedroom. 

"I'm gonna take a shower, okay babe?" You said as he sat down on the bed 

"You feeling up to it, love? Are you sure you dont need me to help you?" He says winking at you. You arent really feeling up to any funny buisness but you decide to play into it with him

"You know your right, I am still feeling a little faint, do you think you could help me babe?" you say beginning to shimmy out of your yoga pants.

"Oh I think I could definetly help you out" He says and jumps out of the bed and makes his way over to you. You turn around and he pulls your shirt off as he places a kiss on your lips. He reaches around you and unclasps your bra as you pull down his jeans and he steps out of them. As you turn to put on the shower he places a kiss on your shoulder. 

AUTHORS NOTE: First thank you for reading, second...for those of you who feel the need to comment explaining how one becomes pregnant, thank you but I have taken 2 years of health at my high school and did know how it happens. The point of it was that y/n (you) were told you wouldn't be able to get pregnant and then it happened which is a miracle. 

Thanks for reading!

Harry Styles Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now