Choosing Godparents

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A/N: Somehow this one turned much longer than the rest, sorry!


"Y/N, we really do have to pick the godparents. This boy can go running around with 10 different godparents." I tell Y/N as I put the last of the dishes in the sink and hand her the cup of tea I just made for her.

"I know Harry, but I just cant choose. I mean, Liam and Sophia are amazing parents but they already have three kids and Zayn and Perrie are amazing but doesnt it worry you that they dont have kids already? And I love Gemma, but I feel like I dont want to pressure her into it---" 

"Babe" I cut her off before she goes out of her mind. 

"Am I going crazy again?" She asks me before taking a sip of her tea

"Just a little" I say sitting next to her at the table with my cup of tea

"Well who do you want to choose?" She asks me 

"Whoever you think is the best person to take care of this little guy if something happens is probably perfect. You decide and I will do whatever I can." I say to her placing my hand over the bump that has taken over her stomach

"Well...I think we should go with Liam and Sophia." She says to putting her mug back on the table

"Then thats that. Why dont we have them over for dinner tomorrow night to tell them?" I tell her standing up grabbing our mugs and putting them in the sink

"Great idea, do you want to cook or should I?"

"I can do it, love." I offer to her

"Alright great, I will go call them and after that I am going to sleep. Creating a tiny human is quite a bit of work. She says as she stands from the table and makes her way to the stair case. 

"I'll be up in a few minutes, love"

"Okay see you in a few" I tell her as I walk into the office and turn on the computer to find a recipie for dinner tommorrow night. 



Even though you had offered to help Harry cook while you were shopping this morning you couldnt imagine the thought of getting back out of bed. You layed in bed against the special pregnancy pillow Harry had delivered this morning and caught the scent of what Harry was cooking. After laying for a few more minutes you make your way downstairs to find a mess in the kitchen. 

"Hi baby" you say as you walk behind him

"Hi Love, you feeling a little more awake now?" he asks you as he pulls you against him

"Yes, much. And the pillow was amazing thank you" you say as you press a kiss to his cheek. 

"Great, why dont you go get ready and I will set the table. I think they said they are coming at 7:00"

"Yeah, Im gonna go put something other than sweatpants on and you should probably do the same" you say to him as you walk towards the stairs. After finding yourself unable to squeeze into your favorite jeans you pick a pair of leggings that comfortably fit over you enlarged belly and a beige sweater. As you pull your socks over your also swollen feet you hear the doorbell ring and make your way down the stairs. 

"Hi!" You say to them as you walk into the foyer next to Harry

"Hi Y/N. You look wonderful, you definetly have the pregnancy glow!" Sophia says as she wraps you into a hug. 

"Thanks Sophia!" You say stepping back

"Hi Guys! Would you like to watch a movie while mummy and daddy have dinner with us?" You say to Liam and Sophias children, Declan, Emma and Kelly, standing next to their mum. The all squeal with excitement as you lead them into the den and turn the movie on the tv. 

"I have no idea what Harry made for us but Im sure its delicious" You say as you walk back into the dining room where Harry, Liam and Sophia were already seated. 

"Well it looks wonderful, this was so nice of you both to invite us and the kids over!" Sophia says as she looks at Liam

The four of you all eat with a few interuptions from their children that Sophia handles perfectly. After Harry brings out the dessert you clear your throat.

"So today we had another ultrasound and we found out it is going to be a boy!" You say to the others

"Wow, thats wonderful!" Sophia says as she gets up to hug you

"Its nice having your boy first, Declan is so protective over Emma and Kelly" Liam says as he pats Harry on the back

"Well, we have something to ask you both..." You say as you sit back down next to Harry

"We are just amazed at what amazing parents you both are and the kids are just amazing...." Harry starts off

"Harry and I would love for you to be the babys godparents!" You say with excitement in your voice

"Really? We would be honoured! Of course!" Sophia says with tears in her eyes.

"Thanks you so much, it means the world to us knowing if something happens he would have amazing people to take care of him" You say as you place your hand over your stomach and you begin to feel tears in your eyes.

Harry Styles Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now