Ryan Reynolds Fan Fiction

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"So do you want to come back to my place afterwards?" I asked Ryan, as we sat in the coffee bar together.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them. I didn't know what to expect! I am a 16 year old girl who managed to get lucky enough to have reporters for parents, who also happen to know Ryan Reynolds. And I'd gone and pushed my luck. One again.

I have been in this situation too many times! Since I was 14, most lads who know me well enough know me as a slut! The unfortunate ones who haven't yet heard that are the one's who have been here, and maybe assumed that when I meant "back to my place", I'd mean for a chat and a biscuit.

Yeah I guess you could call me a slut, but honestly, I'm still a virgin. I've never had sex before, but I've been wanting to ever since my 16th birthday, eight months ago! All these guys though have refused, as soon as they've found out I'm a virgin.

But I knew I'd pushed my luck with Ryan. He was just doing what my parents asked and was looking out for me while they were away in New York to write a few articles.

I mean, he'd never even been to our house before, and he only knows me as an acquaintance, not as a friend or anything!

But after all that, he actually surprised me by saying "yeah sure, what did you have in mind?"

"...uh...um....well....we could watch a movie?...Or something?" I replied, shocked by the unexpected answer. Wow, he is so calm and cool...ever since I watched Ryan Reynolds in the Green Lantern, I have had a serious crush on him! The amount of times I have dreamt about me and him together, and now we were actually going to my place to watch a film together!

"Sounds like a plan!" he exclaimed, in his sweet, rich Canadian accent.

Ryan drove us back to my place in his lemon-yellow Lamborghini. It wasn't big our house, nothing special, and I kind of felt ashamed, but he didn't seem to notice as we walked to the door. I dug around in my handbag for my keys, but couldn't find them.

"Shit! I think I left my keys inside" Ugh how embarrassing!

"Well...er...what are we going to do then?" Ryan asked, trying to hold back a smile,

"Its not funny!" I shouted, playfully punching him on the arm, but regretting it because I'd probably caused more damage to my fist than those muscles!

"I could break the door down?" He asked, but at the time, I didn't realise he was joking, so I actually started planning it all out!

"Okay, I don't wanna sound rude, but if you break this door down, then could I borrow a little bit of cash to get a new one, and then I'll save a few weeks wages up and pay you back?"

At this point, Ryan was bent double on my doorstep, tears of laughter streaming down his beautiful face.

"What's so funny?!" I ask, confused how this situation had turned its self around.

Ryan unclenched one of his fists and held a bunch of keys up in his hand. I swear I would of gone around the back of him then and kicked him in the balls, had I not remembered who he was and how much I liked him!

"Where were those?!"

"You left them on the table a the coffee bar!" Ryan practically forced them words out between laughs.

"That'll teach you to remember your keys! It could have been your 'beloved' phone!"

As I opened the door, Ryan dumped his bag and his shoes in the doorway.

"Make yourself at home then." I muttered.

"Don't mind if I do!" he said, and it surprised me that he had heard that.

Ryan headed straight for the fridge, only to find half of a day old pizza and some mayonnaise.

"Is this all you eat?! Crap?! Jesus, I can't wait for your parents to come back. They'll get some proper food into you!"

"Since when did you care?" I asked, not quite expecting the response I got.

"Ellie, I've cared from the moment I first set eyes upon you!" and with that he grabbed a packet of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and headed for the living room.

I stood still, frozen to the ground.

"What do you mean Ryan..?

"Never mind El. Let's see what's on telly!"

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