5- Feelings

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A/N- Picture of Adrianna


Deacon took me to a Marina that over sees the city. The lights from the buildings reflecting off the water. We walked over to the rocks that was around the ocean and stared at the scenery.

"This is beautiful" I smiled at Deacon.

"Just like you" He said looking my straight in the eyes. I couldn't help but blush

"So what do you do for a living?" I asked

"I Just finished medical school to become a neurosurgeon"

"Wow, that's amazing. I'm so happy for you"

"Thank you. So, how long have you been a fashion designer?"

"Ever since I was 8, I was drawing designs with my mom. When I was finished with high school, I went to work with her part-time, and while I went to college. Now, since I just graduated, I'm full-time, "

"Your mom must be so proud that you are following her footsteps."

"Yea, she is. She would be happy no matter what, but now she has someone to take over when she does decide to retire. I couldn't see myself doing anything else anyways. I love it. "

"Looks like we both got lucky to be able to follow our dreams."

"Most definitely."

"I'm happy I asked you out today,"

"I'm happy you did too"

"It's getting late. Let's get you back home. "

"Yeah, you're right," I frowned, causing Deacon to chuckle

"Don't worry, we can do this again." He smiled

"I would love that"

We walked back to the car and made our way to my condo, making small talk. He is really laid back. It's refreshing after dealing with Trent this week. He walked me to the front door of my condo.

"I think it's best if we say our goodbyes here. Thanks for a wonderful night."

"Anytime, you are an amazing woman, Paisley."

"Back at you. goodnight"

"Goodnight," He said, leaning down and giving me a kiss on the cheek

He started to walk towards the elevators as I opened the door and stepped in. I leaned against the door after I closed it, smiling.


It's been a week since my date with Deacon. We have texted off and on since, but I think we both realized we are better off as friends. I just walked through my front door when Trent walked in the living room

"I thought I heard you come in,"

"Can we not do this now. I've had enough of you and your comments to last a lifetime. I'm going to bed." I said, then walked to my room. I went straight to my closet and pulled out a gray tank top with matching short gray sweat shorts. I went to the bathroom to clean my face and brush my teeth. After I was done, I went back to my room. I was getting ready to crawl into bed when my door busted open and in walked Trent

"Can we talk?"

How dare he enter my room. I was pissed. I walked right up to him. looked him straight in the eyes

"Yeah, lets talk about how you just barged into my room with out knocking" I screamed at him "How you screamed at me and hit me in the ass with your door on the day we met. Let's talk about all the arguments we have been in. Let's talk about that damn mouth and disrespectful comments that comes out of it. Let's not forget the biggest thing of all. You walking into the bathroom while I was taking a shower and you were able to see the top of my NAKED body, you jerk" I took a deep breath to calm myself down so I wouldn't punch him.

"Look, I'm sorry for all of that," He sighed. "I have a hard time telling a girl how I feel. I'm the type of guy who doesn't do relationships. There is something about you that is different from any other girl I've met. You are changing my view on relationships. I know I'm not the best person for you, but I would like a chance, even if we can only be friends. I'll let you go to sleep. Talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight. " He walked out of my room, closing the door behind him

"What the hell just happened?" I mumbled to myself

I crawled into bed. I tried to fall asleep, but all I could think about was what Trent said. Do I have feelings there? Could I ever be ok being with a guy who has had so many women in his bed? Could I ever trust him to stay committed and not cheat? Why am I getting butterflies just thinking about him? I don't know what to do. I thought I hated him less than an hour ago.

I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and made my way to the door. When I opened my door I saw Trent's door was opened and he was sitting on his bed bent over with his hands on his head, talking to himself.

"Did I make a mistake telling her how I feel? I'm not even good enough for her, " He mumbled, but I still heard.

I walked into his room. "Don't say that. I'm glad you told me. I think I may have feelings for you too, "

"Ready?" He said, looking up at me, shocked

I nodded. "I think we need to become friends first and see where it takes us."

"I understand, but what about Deacon?"

"It was only a date. We aren't a couple. He is a great guy, and I had a great time with him, but I didn't get butterflies with him. I did with you, however, after you told me how you felt."

"So nothing happened between you guys?"

"No, we just talked,"

"I'm glad. Do you wanna watch a movie with me? I'm not tired. "

"Sure, but no funny business."

"Deal." He smiled. I know shocking right. I didn't know he knew how to smile. "I'm going to change, and I'll meet you in the living room. My bluray's are in the TV stand. Go pick out something. "

"Alright." I walked to the living room and searched through his collection and decided on Insidious 3. I love horror. I put the disc in and got comfortable when he walked in and sat down on the couch near me, but far enough away, so we don't touch.

"Horror, huh? My kind of women" I couldn't help but laugh at that

We were forty minutes into the movie when it started to storm. You could hear the rain drops hit the balcony and the window. I looked at Trent, who is focused on the movie. I never realized how good-looking he truly was. All of a sudden, I wanted to kiss him. Just then, Trent looked at me with his remarkable blue eyes and smiled. As the thunder rumbled, Trent lowered his lips to mine.

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