Constel Update! (IMPORTANT)

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For those who are making their Constel please remember, they are named after a star of a constellation IN THE NORTHERN OR SOUTHERN AREA

If you are a northern Constel, you must be named by a northern star

Same with southern

And tell me if your born ON a star! General are born on stars!

Northern Kingdom:
Prince- JuicyLovesMC
Princess- My_stick
General- (OPEN)
Scribe- (OPEN)

Southern Kingdom:
Prince- Graveyard-the-dragon
Princess- AthratheSandwing
General- (OPEN)
Scribe- Mozziu

A few spots are remaining! Remember it's first come first serve!

And check the chapter in the beginning of my artbook "What are Constels?" For more information

And remember YOU are drawing it

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