Chapter 16

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Ross's POV

I was so relieved when Jessie finally texted me.  I walked back to my house and some people were still there including Krissy. "Get out" I said "Ross can we talk" she said "No Krissy get out" I yelled "Ross I think you need to hear this" Rydel said "fine go" I said "Yes my brothers and his friends raped Jessie but if the police found out he could go to jail because he had done it before and my parents were never around so he always had to take care of me thats why I came up with the lie that Jessie hooked up with him.  We were still friends at the time so she didnt mind.  But as time went on people got meaner and meaner about it to her.  Her sister Sephie came up with this whole plan for you two to turn against each other and I was the middle man.  She asked me well begged me to tell people the truth about what happened to her that night but I was too affraid people would be mean to me because I lied.  This whole time me and Jessie have been friends but pretending we hate each other.  This past year though when I met her sister she said she wanted to make Jessie pay and because I was always jelous of Jessie I agreed and well you became apart of the plan.  But Sephie was not stopping at you she is going to make Jessie regret a lot of things and I think she would actually hurt Jessie and she is the only one home with her right now." she said "You think Sephie is going to hurt Jessie" I asked "yea" she said "Well Jessie wont talk to me so what do you want me to do about it" I said "What do you mean you have to do something believe me she will forgive you" she said "No I told her how I felt I told her I loved her and she basically told me to F off" I said "Ross she is just upset that you believed me and not her" she said "So what do I do" I asked "I dont know go see if Sephie will let you in and talk to her" she said "No I think I will just see her tomorrow at school" I said "Okay and I am sorry again Ross" she said 

She finally left and I went to go to my room when Rydel pulled me into hers. "So you finally told Jessie you loved her" she said "Yea" I sighed "whats wrong" she asked "She didnt say it back she said she never wanted to see my face or hear my voice ever again" I said a tear building in my eye.  "Ross I am so sorry but she is just mad once she calms down all will be forgiven and this will be behind you" she said "I dont know Rydel she can be pretty stubborn and she is the kind of person to hold grudges" I said "well then dont give her a reason to, do small gestures to let her know how sorry you are for what you did and she will realize its true" she said "I wil give it a shot" I said getting up.  "She likes you Ross I know it and its probably killing her that she cant or wont let herself tell you" she said "Thanks Del night" I said and went to bed.

Jessie's POV

I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life.  The guy I have a huge crush on just told me he loves me and I told him I never want to hear from him again.  Why am I so stuppid and stubborn I know he is sorry but why cant I get myself to forgive him.  Why am I the type to hold grudges like this.  I hate how prideful I am it gets in the way of everything.  I only hope that when we are at school tomorrow he doesnt listen to a word I said and tries to win me over.  I really hope he has not given up on the thought of me and him being together as more then friends.  He was a new kid here and he became my best friend then my enemy so that means out of pure logic we have to become lovers next right? Uggg why does everything have to be so complicated why do I have to come with all this extra baggage.  I curled up in my bed and barely got any sleep because all I could think about was Ross but the next thing I knew my alarm went off telling me it was time to get ready for school and for the first time in forever I was kind of looking forward to it but then again not really.

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