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Shawn walks into the warm bar, and sits in the booth that is in the middle of the room.

"Hey Shawn, what would you like today?" The blonde waitress asks as she takes out her small notebook.

"The same as always; beer and fries- thank you Johanna." She smiles and walks away.

Shawn takes off his scarf and coat, placing them beside him. He straightens out his taupe blazer and pulls his laptop out from his backpack, setting it down on the table.

Johanna comes back and sets the small basket of fries and a glass of beer on the table, "Here you go."

"Thanks." He smiles and hands her ten dollars.

This was his frequent routine for the past 2 years- wake up, go to work, do work in bar, head home, and start over. It was a pretty simple routine but he didn't mind. He came to New York for work and work only. He intends on staying here until his work visa expires, and when it did he would be going back to Canada. So he didn't have any interest in making any friends.

Shawn writes back to one of his colleagues, typing with one hand as he uses the other to drink from his beer.

It was 4 in the afternoon yet the bar wasn't very crowded, it was a small cozy bar and Shawn liked it.

"Josh! You stepped on my shoe." A small brunette cried out, the dirty blonde guy laughs.

"Sorry baby, walk faster." He walks up to the bartender and orders three beers.

Shawn briefly looks up but still continues to type.

"Aw that guy took our booth." The girl whispers in an attempt to not be loud, but fails because Shawn heard it. His cheeks flush, and he starts to type rapidly.

"Its okay, we'll sit over here." He grabs her hand and leads them to the booth on Shawn's right, next to the wall.

They sit down next to each other, "When is Viktor coming?" The brunette asks

"He's- ah there he is."

Shawn hates ease dropping but he cant help it, he looks over at the entrance and a man about 6 ft walks in- he is wearing a dark blue navy suit, he had his dark brown hair up in a quiff with a slight swoop. He also had a blindfold on.

His hands were reaching out for something to grab, "Marco!" He took small steps forwards.

"You know the bar inside out so stop being childish and come over here." The guy at the booth next to Shawn yells.

"Marco!" The second guy calls out again.

"For god sakes- polo!" The first gives in, rolling his eyes. The lady next to him laughs, the second guy takes a few more steps. Bumping into some chairs and tables.

Shawn opens up powerpoint, he was smiling at the small scene that was unfolding in front of him.

The second guy bumps into Shawn's table, "Oops! There you guys are!" He takes of the blindfold and his smile drops.

Shawn looks up and grins, "Hi, wrong booth buddy."

The guy looks behind Shawn and sees his friends on the other end, "Oh I see, my apologies." The stranger gives him a dimpled smile and puts the blindfold back on. "Marco!"

"Viktor you know where we are, hurry the fuck up I need to go soon." The second guy, Viktor, huffs.

He takes off the blindfold again and throws it at his friend, "You are no fun Josh."

"You're 23 Viktor come on." Josh replies and Viktor groans

"I have no fun at the office, so let me have fun here."

Shawn could see from the corner of his eye that Viktor had his arms folded, like a mad toddler.

On his power point slide were random letters, Shawn doesn't even know why he opened it in the first place. He closes his laptop and stuffs it back in his backpack, replacing it with his phone. He opens up messages and decides to text his girlfriend from back home.

"Do you guys have to get married? You guys are going on a honeymoon which means Im going to be alone for like a year." Viktor whines, Shawn quietly laughs. Viktor notices and smiles, not saying anything.

"Ah yes, a week without you. It's going to be lovely." The brunette woman teases

"Shut up Devine- ouch! Don't kick me dammit." Viktor rubs his shin below the table.

"Sorry buddy, we'll come back as soon as possible." Josh reaches over and pats his shoulder.

"I'll be okay, I'm sure I'll find something to do." He looks over at Shawn, but finds an empty booth instead.

As Shawn walks out of the bar he is greeted by nippy air. He puts his scarf back on, he clicks on his girlfriends contact and waits for her to answer.


"Hey babe, so something happened today; it's not that interesting or funny but it's the most fun I've had since I got here."


"Well there was this- you know what? Never mind, it's silly. Ignore me."

"Oh, are you sure?"

"Yeah, well I have to go. Talk to you later okay."

"Alright, love-"

Shawn hangs up, hoping she didn't notice, she was obviously not interested in the story he was about to tell her.

They have been dating for 3 years, and they were really close until Shawn came to the States for work.

He puts his phone in his front pocket and starts to walk down the wet pavement to his cheap apartment.

Legally Yours- Shawn Mendes auWhere stories live. Discover now