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Shawn takes a few french fries and puts them in his mouth, silently chewing as he continues to type on his computer. He was sitting in a different booth in the corner, not wanting to take the booth from the previous people.

For the past few weeks he hasnt seen the three funny strangers. He felt kinda dissapointed, he was hoping they would invite him to their table or invite him to talk. Geez, It sounds like he was still in highschool.

Just as he starts packing up his things he hears the booth cushions squeak across from him. Shawn stops packing and looks up,

"Hey." It was.. Viktor, was it? He was wearing a grey suit with a black tie and he was holding two glasses of what appeared to be vodka tonics in his hands.

Shawn looks around confused, but he looks back at him and gives him a small sideways smile, "Uh, hi?"

He places both glasses on the table and extends his hand, "My name is Viktor."

Shawn extends his hand too, "Nice to meet you, my name is Shawn."

"Here," he slides one of the cups over to Shawn. "My friends just got married and they're on their on their sex holiday. I've been bored out of my mind, hopefully I can have some fun with you."

Shawn smiles as he looks down at the cup in front of him, "Dont worry I didnt slip anything in there."

"Oh its not that, its just that its a work night, I dont want to drink anything too strong." Shawn clarifies.

Viktor takes a sip from his glass. "It's just one drink, it wont do you any harm."

He had a point, Shawn grabs the glass and takes a small sip, "Sorry, what's a sex holiday?"

"It's their honeymoon. But there basically going on a holiday and having a lot of sex, hence the name."

Shawn quietly chuckles. "So do you come here often?" He takes another sip from his drink.

Viktor looks around and nods, "Yeah, I usually come here everyday after work. What about you?"

"I come here after work too, I usually just stay for an hour then I leave."

"How come I've never seen you?"

Shawn shrugs, "Dunno, I try not to bring too much attention to myself."

Viktor shakes his head, "Still, a pretty face like yours, I would notice you."

Shawn flushed up with pleasure at his words, he's never heard someone say he had a pretty face.

Viktor gives him a dimpled smile, "You're blushing as if this was the first time someone has told you you're pretty."

Shawn clears his throat, "This is the first time I hear it." The room was starting to get incredibly hot. He could feel his forehead getting sweaty. He takes a long sip from his drink, hoping it cools him off.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Viktor asks straight up.

Shawn only nods, "Ah thats why." Viktor stands up and looks down at Shawn. "If she doesnt start complimenting you then find someone else who will, you deserve that. And there are many single people here that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated." Viktor gestures around the bar.

Shawn's knee was bouncing up and down, "I have to go now, nice to meet you Shawn, see you tomorrow?"

Shawn looks up and smiles, "See you, and thank you for the drink."

Viktor grins and starts to walk away, grabbing his black coat before he walks outside into the rain.

Shawn leans back and lets out a long sigh. He looks down at his watch, it was 10.

He grabs his small backpack and puts it over his shoulder. He waits for a while and once he thinks enough time has passed, he gets up and walks to the coat hanger by the door.

He slips on his black coat over his backpack so it doesn't get wet. He opens the door and walks out of the bar and into the windy night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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