Song : Work From Home : 5TH HARMONY
^Louis' bed^"We don't want to ever see you again. You are a disgrace to the human race." My mum screamed as she hit me to the point of unconsciousness.
"Lou." My boyfriend of six years voice startles me awake. "Princess it's ok she can't hurt you now I won't let them near you." He says calming my breathing a bit.
"Sorry." I say a bit guilty that I woke him.
"Baby don't ever be sorry about something like that. I would rather be woken up by that then to wake up with my baby passed out."
"Are you hungry ? Thirsty? Tired ?-"
"Just tired. After we get up can we go shopping ?"
"Not today I have work but maybe tomorrow."
"But I wanna go today daddy." I whine.
"Lou I said no." He states firmly.
"Fine I'll go with Niall." I protest.
"He's training babe." He argues.
"I know I'll ask Stan." I state punching his buttons.
"You would never." He knows I would never go to Stan. God damnit.
"Fine I'll ask Kenny. Because we all know how much you love her."
"Louis don't do this. Today there is an important meeting and if I have to leave early or cancel it you're in trouble."
"But please. I just wanna shop and you are always busy working."
"Baby you know I don't want to go to work I would rather spend my day in bed, shopping, bathing, having sex, or what ever the fuck you want but I have to go to work."
"Fine whatever." I state getting up and going to the bathroom. "Go to work. I'll see you later." I say trying not to cry. He chases after me but I close the door quickly.
"Baby, don't do this."
"I don't want to harry but you are always fucking working. I would love it if you take a break once in a while cause I really would like to spend time with you but you put work. Before your owning fucking husband so learn your priorities. By the way your sleeping in your room till you get you shit together." I say as he walks away.
That was so awful I'm sorry. I'm on writers block with just the first chapter. Help me. I love you all and I'll keep working on this.

God help anyone who messed with the queen
FanfictionLouis is Harry's queen. You messed with him and you'll life will be a living hell or you'll die on the spot.