Song: Drag Me Down ~One Direction
Louis' POV
"Ni ?" I asked as I saw a familiar face.
"Hey Lou."
"Where you going ?"
"Isolation room."
"Why ?"
"Cause H didn't like the fact that we left you in the woods."
"Do you wanna stay and talk instead ?" I asked cause I didn't want to be alone for only god knows how long.
"Sure Lou."
Niall's POV
After we played a few rounds of FIFA Louis started crying immediately and I knew he slipped into head space.
"Hey it's okay come here." I said calmly trying to get him to crawl over to me. However Harry walked by right then.
"Niall you are suppose to be in the room."
"I was headed there but Louis asked me to talk with him and so I said yes and then he just slipped into his head space."
"Okay go to the room and I'll come get you in twenty minutes but now you are out of the field for a month and a half."
"Okay." I left and headed to the isolation room. When I got in there I felt like crying cause I was scared of the room it was silver and looked as it had tin foil as the walls and it was plain and sad.
Harry's POV
"Hey Baby Girl !" I said to my boyfriend and he mumbled something in baby talk meaning he's super young.
"Hey babe I have to get you changed can you be good for me ?" He make an approving sound so I changed him quickly.
"Who is Daddy's pretty girl ?" I asked when he was changed into his pink poke-a-dotted onesie. After he was changed I quickly placed him in the centre of my bed with a few pillows around him to try and keep from moving to much. Then I went and got Niall.
"Niall next time go straight to the room cause you will be dearly missed in the field I hope Perrie is trained well."
"She should be. Cause I taught her how to shoot the bow in our spare time. Liam helped some as well."
"Okay. Thank you." Niall heads to find Liam and I head to find my princess.
"Hey baby! Can you become big for a minute ?" He does so weird disapproving sounds and then come out. "Niall's out of the field for a month and a half while Perrie takes his place. Also I have to go find someone tomorrow the I am all yours for the rest of the week."
"Okay Daddy."
"You can go back now baby girl." The minute I say that I know he's gone and curled up to my side making noises. We just lay in bed watching Disney movies for the rest of the day. I might be a drug lord, mass murder, and shit but I have a soft spot for my princess when he's little.
That's was really short. Sorry for such a long time to update I'm currently working on my other story and I have some pretty big things for this story coming up as well as a intro to the house in London (where they are currently) then one for the island mansion. (Spoiler)
All the love
~H. x

God help anyone who messed with the queen
FanfictionLouis is Harry's queen. You messed with him and you'll life will be a living hell or you'll die on the spot.