Part 11

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I awoke with a ringing in my head, a very unpleasant sound. The mixture of the pain in my head and the horrific smell around me twisted my stomach and I was surprised dinner hadn't yet found its way to the floor.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a small room with very little light. The walls were made of dark rock and were covered in a damp layer. Green slime hung from edges in the rock and I was fairly sure majority of it wasn't moss. The ground below me was the same as the walls but was gracefully covered in less of the green stuff.

I found myself laying in a puddle of foggy liquid and I slowly pushed myself up out of it. The motion made my head dizzy and after I watched my soaked shirt exit the puddle, I pushed myself away from it and back onto the ground.

I rested on my back, feeling exhausted even though I had been asleep for God-knows how long. The little light in the room came from a hole in the ceiling, exposing the light from the moon. It was still dark out, meaning that I had either been asleep only a short time or a full day, possibly even longer.

Running my hands through my hair, I found many knots, and dirt and grime filled my hair. My hands also hit many other unidentifiable object hidden in my hair and I pulled my hands away, not eager to find out what was there. As I placed my arms back at my sides, my elbows stung from contact with the ground. They were most likely covered in scratches and cuts. The knees of my pants had been ripped and exposed some of my skin, adding to my beat up look. I didn't look forward to figuring out what had happened and what would happen next.

My body quickly went stiff and my eyes widened, the adrenaline unable to cover the fear. As things had settled down into silence, I had heard a new noise; the sound of someone breathing. I didn't know where it was coming from and I had little interest in figuring out that answer but I decided it would be best to see which way would be the right way to run.

Slowly lifting my head from the damp ground, I turned my head in the direction I thought the sound was coming from and found a large hole in the wall of the cave. Although there was no rock to keep me in, metal bars blocked my path. On the other side was a room similar to mine; a horrid-looking cell. In the edges of the cell, a figure hidden in the darkness sat still, its breathing the only sound it made.

My eyes adjusted to the lack of light and soon a clearer image of the figure appeared. It had the shape of a human, sitting up with its back against the wall and its head angled down. It's limbs laid off to the side of it. The moonlight reflected off its eyes, lighting up the white areas.

The person took in a rugged deep breath, much harder than it should have been.

"Sophie?" My eyes widened at the sound of my name and I instantly scooted closer to the opening. I pushed my face between two bars, shuddering as the rusty cold ran across my cheeks.

I knew that voice like I knew my own. A voice I heard almost every day of my life, even from day one. A voice I had desperately missed the last few weeks of my life.

"Grandpa!" He lifted his head slowly to get a better view of me. Thousands of questions filled my head and I attempted to get them all out in one breath. "What happened to you? Are you alright? Are you hurt? Have you had anything to eat? Have you gotten any water?" When I was finished, I was out of breath from all my questions and from the sudden rush of adrenaline.

Grandpa slowly lifted his hand, telling me to stop, and gave me a weak smile.

"I am alright. Why are you here?" He asked, his smile fading away and worry passing over his face. My excitement faded away as well and soon I was filled with the dreadful feeling that stuck in a horrible situation. One that I figured I wasn't going to get out of alive.

"I don't know," I said, staring at the floor in front of me. "I stepped outside of the house for a moment and I never made it back." My memory of that moment was still blurry but hopefully time would bring it back.

Grandpa's eyes widened for a moment, filled with even more confusion and worry.

"You went back to the house?" If he had the strength, I was sure he would have gasped as he asked the question, but he didn't, and although his voice lacked the surprise, his eyes showed everything.

"No. No, I ran from the house and found a mansion. I've been staying there since that night." I kept my head low but quickly looked up when I realized that my answer was still not clear. "I was well cared for! They didn't hurt me, well sort of. Never mind that, but they were nice to me and cared for me and gave me a place to stay." I would've continued but with the little effort he had, grandfather raised his hand to stop me, again.

"Who's they?" He asked, dropping his hand. I opened my mouth to answer his question but I was interrupted by the sound of old, creaking metal.

My head spun away from the metal bars and I looked to where the sound had come from. I had overlooked the small metal door to my cell but beyond its bars, I could see the edge of another metal door.

A woman stepped into view, her red hair shinning brighter in the moon light, and she greeted me with a smile, one that didn't meet her eyes. Her white dress stood out in the dirty rooms around her, making her seem brighter.

"Welcome Sophie. I see you have found your grandfather. What a happy reunion."

Pushing on the bars and resisting the urge to puke, I made my way to my feet, managing to look tough at the same time. I stood with my head high and my chest out, hoping to look stronger than I was feeling.

"It would have been better if we weren't in these cells," I retorted, hoping to put anger in my voice. The woman only smiled more.

"I don't think I've formally introduced myself to you, Sophie. I am Dahee," he informed me, bowing her head slightly. Although it was a respectful gesture, you could tell she meant that in no way.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Technically, I own you. Your grandfather bargained with your life in attempt to save your grandmother. All without you knowing." The truth hurt me, a strong throbbing in my heart. The death of my grandmother really affected me but it was worse to think that Grandfather gave me away in attempt to save her.

I tried to keep my confidence but it was obvious that her words hurt me. I kept in the tears, which just added to my headache.

"Though I have no use of you. But I still need to punish your grandfather. He will sit and watch while you are tortured to your death and then he will follow." Dahee inched closer to the door of my cell, a smile still on her face.

"He will come for me. You know that. I don't belong to you. I'm his. You can't do anything about it," I threatened. But it seemed to pass over her head.

"Oh I'm planning on it. He and his brothers are just a bump in the road, ones I can easily get past. And what's not a few vampire slayings under your belt." She seemed amused, almost excited for the action this would bring.
"When your friends come, they will die along with you."


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