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I hated hearing myself cry. It made me feel vulnerable. I told myself to stop crying and after awhile, I did. I stood up and brushed the grass off my pants. I looked up and noticed a large, dark mansion. Few lights were on in the house. The place gave off an eery feel. It was many stories high, dwarfing the apartment that I shared with Grandpa.

I started walking towards the house but I stopped when I heard a voice.

"Leaving again?" The voice was familiar and it sent shivers down my back. I slowly turned around and gasped when I saw who it was. The same dark hair, the same jawline and cheek bones, the same thin lips. And the same dark red eyes. The boy from my nightmare.

He chuckled as if someone had told him a joke.

"Oh, you shouldn't lie to yourself, Sophie. That wasn't a nightmare." Just as fast as before, he appeared right in front of me. His hand snaked along my jaw and I turned my head away. "If it was a nightmare, you wouldn't have this." His hand trailed along my neck and he pinched my shoulder. I winced as his action brought a slight pain. I turned and looked down as saw two little cuts on my shoulder in the same spot he had bitten me the other night.

"Don't touch me." As said as mean as I could as I slapped his hand away.

"I wouldn't do that. We both know I'm stronger than you." He went to grab my hand but before he could I reared back and punched him in the face, catching him by surprise. I ignored the pain in my hand and turn and ran. I sprinted back up to the house and ran through the first door I found.

The door entered a hallway and led to a large open room. I spun around searching for a way to run. A staircase ran along the wall and up to the second story. I sprinted up the steps and ran down the first hallway I found. As I was running, something slammed into the side of me, sending me flying into one of the rooms that lined he hallway.

I cried in pain as a shard of the broken, wooden door pierced my leg.

"Looks like I'm getting my present early." I looked up and saw him walk into the room. His eye glowed in the darkness and his bright, white teeth lit up his smile.

I edged away from him as far as I could until my back hit a wall. My shoulder bumped into a nightstand and I searched for anything to defend myself with. A glass figurine sat heavily on the wooden furniture and I quickly took it down. I threw it as hard as I could at the boy but, to my amazement, he caught it effortlessly.

"Tricks like that won't work on me." He said angrily as he smashed the figurine down on the floor sending shards of glass flying. He walked closer and kneeled down to my level. His face was so close to mine and I noticed that his lip had been split from when I punched him earlier. Serves him right.

He ran his hand against my leg and across my wound making it sting even more. He brought his hand back up to his face and he licked away the blood. He smiled, finding pleasure in the taste of my blood. His smiled revealed two rows of normal, human teeth except for two differences. He had two teeth, one on each side of his mouth, in the top row, that ended with points as sharp as a needle.


"Good guessing Sophie." What? But I never said anything to him?

"No, but you thought it." I gasped at the realization that he was reading my mind.

"Jungkook!" A voice rose from behind the vampire. He narrowed his eyes in frustration and turned around. "Jungkook, you need to stop this." The new guy said. He was shorter than the vampire. He had the same dark hair but his eyes were slimmer and he had a longer face.

"Jimin, you should stay out of this." Grunted the vampire.

"The others are already coming. Stop this now." Jimin said sternly.

"I haven't gotten what I wanted yet." The vampire said unhappily.

"You've tasted her blood already. That should be enough." Jimin added.

"One more taste." The vampire said. He quickly spun around and grabbed my wrist. He pointed teeth dug into my skin. My eyes became heavier and darkness edged my vision. Jimin ran over and pulled the vampire off of me who now seemed to be unconscious. I slumped to the side, my head hitting the ground.

The sound of footsteps echoed in my head and multiple other figures appeared. Their eyes were wide when they saw our situation. Wood and glass covered the ground and two people were lying on the floor.

Jimin gently laid the vampire on the floor and ran over to me.

"Jin, grab some bandages," Jimin said. One of the guys, that I assumed to be Jin, ran out of the room. Two of the other guys rushed to the vampire while the other two came towards me. They brushed away wood and glass before kneeling down beside me.

"Is she okay?" One of the guys asked.

"Bleeding, but otherwise okay, I think," Jimin answered. He checked my wrist and then looked at my leg.

"What did he do to her?" One of the boys asked.

"I don't know. How did Jungkook even change?" Jimin asked. I scanned their faces. Some showed shock, some showed disbelief, and some showed concern.

Jin rushed back into the room and handed a pile of bandages to Jimin.

"Okay," Jimin started, "Taehyung, help me hold her leg down. Okay?" Taehyung nodded and placed his hands on my thigh, holding my legs down. I couldn't see what they were doing since I was laying on my side, but I knew what they were about to do.

"One, two, three." Jimin counted. A shooting pain surged through my thigh as they pulled the wood out. Tears blurred my vision and fell onto the ground below, but I kept in my cries.

I could feel them wrapping the bandage around my leg to cover the wound.

"Let's get her out of here before Jungkook wakes up." The three boys glanced back at the unmoving figure of the vampire. Jimin slid his arms under me and lifted me off the ground and carried me out of the room and down the stairs into another large room, which was obviously the living room, with a large fireplace and couch.

He gently laid me down on the couch and Jin rushed off into another room.

"How'd she get all these scratches?" Taehyung asked.

"Stop asking me questions. I only got there at the very end." Jimin answered. Jin came back with water and a towel. As they wiped away dirt and blood and cleaned my wounds, I slowly fell asleep.

Please let this be just a nightmare. Please.


Who are these boys? And why do they live with a vampire?

So many questions. (↼‶)

Don't worry, more is to come.

Maybe not as soon as you hope though. Exams have a higher priority than this. Sorry. Wish me and everyone else that has exams luck!

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