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It was late at night, and I had totally forgotten my little encounter with the hooded figure, so I went to bed. As soon as I switched off the lights, there was a whistle...a dark, hollow whistle.

"Who is it?" I roared (although there was a kitten whimpering inside me). As soon as these words came out of my mouth, there was total silence.
I could see the dark, hooded figure again....

There was mist followed by the entrance of the creature. A moment later, there were several of them.
They were all around my bed, now. Suddenly, a streak of light caught my attention. I heard a man's voice...
"Dolis Sawtes Magnamente!" followed by a blue light. All the figures were driven away by these words, and the must was cleared. Only then could I see, a tall man with a handsome face, whose eyes were glittering, smiling at me.
"Well, well,'s Mark Walker, I s'pose" he said, smirking.
"How do you know my name?" I squeaked.
"Who doesn't know your name, dear old boy! Ok, enough chit chat, get in the car now, because the draxes would be back, any minute now"
"Whoa, just hold on...the what?! those creatures? the ones.."
"The ones you saw right now, yes. Now, GET INSIDE THE CAR!" he ordered.
I did as I was told to do.
He started the engine, and after a few moments, to my amazement, we were flying.....

(P.S. - I know the chapter is too short. I will be writing properly when I'm done with the exams i.e. March.)

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