Chapter Two

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      " Hey, look!" a teen male voice called out, making Gem freeze in her steps, whipping her head towards the voice. " I freaky Ghost!!" The young buck said in a mocking tone.

       " Oh gosh, I'm so scared!!" Cried the doe next to the buck. Gem gulped nervously. Slowly lowering her head in submission. " Ha! What a ghostly freak!" The female cried again, walking closer the Gem.

      " You know Ghost, even your father hates you. You should just disappear like the other Ghost. " Another boy called, steeping up next to the girl. They were all pretty good looking. Tanned and brown haired, normal and attractive.

      " Aren't you going to say anything? Or are you a mute too?!" the first boy laughed, joining the other two, surrounding the white haired girl. Gem hugged onto the bread and gum she had recently purchased and sunk into her self slightly, her face hiding behind her white waves.

      " Would you look at that!" The does annoying voice screeched like nails on a chalk board. " A Ghost scared of the living! Isn't this new!!" she grinned evilly, her teeth showing. " What have you get here anyways?!" the Female demanded, reaching to the bread and ripping it from the small pale does hands.

      " Bread and gum? Ghost don't eat, stupid. " the second, taller and slightly tanner boy snorted as her ripped the bread from the does hands,  squishing the soft bread. They laughed as they trashed the loaf in front of the albino doe.

      Tears filled her soft blue eyes as the three bigger deer ripped up the food her mom has asked her to buy and threw the bits at her. Laughing as they torched the poor Gem.

      " What the hell do you three think your doing to this poor young doe. " A deep and raspy voice called out. Gem had never heard this voice before but a slightly familiar sent filled her nose. The large buck who was at the store. The attractive one with the dark hair and large tattoo up his arm. Gem turned her head up to meet eyes with the male. A single tear streamed down the ghost deer's cheek.

      " Who the hell are you?" One of the males screamed, puffing hot air from his nose. " Who are you to defend this abomination?! "

       " Is that what you would call her?" The buck asked, his voice deep and rusty. " I would say magical. " The male said, his face holding little to no expression but his eyes held flames of passion and anger. Gem held her gaze to the buck, he's flaming eyes locking to hers.

      " haaa..." Gem let out a slight sigh, her cheeks glowing a soft red again. Her heart started to pound in her chest again.

      " Are you some kind of freak as well?!" The chalk nail voice squealed out again, making the black haired male cringe a little.

       " Please, shut up, your voice is going to give me a headache. " The muscular buck huffed, closing his red eyes and crossing his arms. The three looked in slight shock at the big male.

       " You can't talk to a doe like that!!" The taller male said, standing up a little taller, trying to reach the others high but was still much shorter then him. The female started to sob, her crying worse then her talking.

      " And what are you going to do about it? " He asked, opening an eye to glare at the younger deer. His eyes were intimidating on own, his body and stance made it even more so. The younger buck slowly backed down, feeling the intimidation. "It's not alright for me to speak the truth bout this annoyance yet its fine for you three to pick on this poor doe? " He Huffed, His voice cold and harsh. 

      " Your such a pussy, Nick." The smaller male growled slightly, bring his hand into a fist and stepping forward. " This is what you should do about him!!!" He cried, fling his fist towards the big bucks face. Gem covered her face with her hands, waiting for the impacted.

      After a loud thud and a young Buck's scream, Gem jumped, opening her eyes to see the younger buck on the ground, holding his nose, blood dripping threw his fingers. He laid shaking on the ground.

       " He broke my nose! He broke my fucking nose!" the small buck cried from the ground. Tears bubbling from his eyes as he rocked.

      " your face was thicker then I though... " the fire eyed buck shook her already bruising fist. He gave the smaller one a mighty big punch to the nose and was already feeling it. " Your friend is most likely right, you should rush him to the hospital. " He nodded to the larger buck who nodded back, not saying anything.

      They soon left, the doe still sobbing about the small insult. The male holding his nose tightly, blood dripping onto his shirt.

       " well, that was exciting. " The male deer said, watching the three walk away. " You alright dove?" He asked Gem, stepping closer to her.

      " I'm fine..." Gem said in a small voice, slowly lowering her head. This Buck held a lot of power and she could feel it. The closer he got to her, the more she wanted to lower in submission.

      " Is that so?" He asked, standing in front of the small albino. " You seemed very frightened, little dove. " He said, a slight charm to his voice.

     " I'm fine really, I'm rather used to it. And my names Gem, Gem Vale. " She admitted, slowly raising her head again, peeking at the Buck threw her white hair.

        " My names Rox. It's nice to meet you Gem. Very suiting name. " The buck said, nodding his head. Rox set out a hand to shake with Gem.

       " The pleasure is all mine. " Gem placed her hand in his, gripping it gently and they shook before letting go. Rox' hands were much larger then Gems. Much bigger and stronger then her small pale fragile hands.

      " Do you need me to walk you home? " The buck offered but spoke again before even giving Gem a chance to answer. " Wait, would you like to go back and pick up new bread?"

      " I don't have enough money... " Gem answered shyly. The bread was $2.00 and she only had $1.55 from buying the bread and pack of gum that had been trashed before. How was she going to go home and face her mother with such little change an no bread in site. Well other then the few crumbs cling to her snow white waves.

     " I see. " The buck stopped to think for a moment. " Well, I have some spare change, I can buy it for you." Rox said, A slight smile over his lips. Gem instantly shook her head, lowering it. 

      " I do not accept. I will not take money from a stranger." She said slightly bluntly. She wouldn't take this mans money. Sure he just saved her from three other deer but could she really trust him? She had never seen him before and his smell was so different. He looked different too, his eyes were red and his hair was pitch black, his skin was slightly darker then the others. His skin had a more ash tone to it while Gem's had a more peach under tone to it.

      " Is that so. Well, at least let me walk you back home Dove." 

     "My names Gem." She almost cut him off. It's not that the nick name bothered her, it's was just a little embarrassing for someone to call her anything but her name.

     " Right, Gem." The buck nodded to him self. " Would you like to lead the way? " Rox asked, Slowly stepping closer to the Albino doe, His sent filled her nostrils. He smelt to strange yet so, alluring, so interesting, so mysterious, so... desirable.

     " Yes." Gem said suddenly, nodding her head and turning towards her house. Walking with out saying a word.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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