So beautiful.

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Tushar's pov

It's is to hot outside mom I don't want to go. I don't have a strength to see all the people crying there heart out for a person who is no more in this world . He is gone mom so why to do all the rituals to just show off in the society.

I know it's hurts to lose someone who is very close to you. With whom your days started and with whom you end it . But to respect and remember some one there is no need to do all this things . Memories are present In our hearts we can just remember it .

(End of pov)

Mom: I am not asking you .
I am just ordering you to come with me it he funeral of your uncle.
Why can't you understand it is very important for you to be there . You are also part of our family and it's your duty to join us in our sorrows and happyness .

Tushar: ok fine I m coming but don't except me to stay there for long time .

Mom: my good boy . Go and change I m waiting outside.

Tushar's pov

We are in car waiting for reaching  our destination. I am a boy who is always very preserved in myself. I don't know how to express my feelings to the outside world.

I love to write whenever I get a chance I start writing . I write thousands of thoughts that come to my mind I don't know how to express them in front of others but I know how to write them so I prefer writing.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my mom voice. Oh! Shit not again . It's my personal problem to get lost in my imaginary world. Ok one two three out.
Sorry mom what were you telling.

Mom: Tushar we are almost there . Behave your self now. And don't do some thing rubbish. And just be at my side.

Me: ok mom.

After stepping out of our car I saw a different world . A world which I am scared of. A world in which someone goes never comes back.

Me and my Mom walked to my aunty who was crying crying and crying. My mom went and sit besides her and was tell all things will be ok . Don't worry we are there for you. As I turned around I saw every one was crying. And after looking them I was almost to cry when I walked to the extreme left side to hide my face nd to cry.
But there was something that stopped my world . It was so beautiful. I mean she was so beautiful.

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