[Chapter 10] The Proposal

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-Rachael's POV-

I was still cleaning up from the party we had a few nights ago. As great as all of them were, the YouTubers really knew how to trash a house during a party and leave it for someone else to clean up. I just kept finding more and more messes. I was vacuuming the floors when Natalie came out of her bedroom, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, sleepy head," I remarked with a smirk, turning off the vacuum and leaning on the handle.

She waved to me groggily before sitting down on the couch and turning on the TV to watch VH1's Top 20 Countdown. I sat down beside her, "So, you won't believe who I talked to at the party and last night too."

"A YouTuber," She retorted, glancing over at me.

"Well no duh," I replied, "No, I was talking to Joey. He's interested in doing a collaboration video with us!" She looked over at me, suddenly interested, "He and I agreed that we could meet up today to talk about it and maybe later this week start recording."

"That's going to work," She told me straightforwardly.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Well...Toby wanted to do a collaboration with me. Just me," I stared at her blankly, "He and I are meeting up today, his only free day for a while. So I can't meet up with Joey. I'm really sorry, Rach."

"Oh..." I leaned back in the couch, crossing my arms over my chest, "I guess I can tell Joey we could meet up another day..."

"No, you should go and meet up with him," She stated, turning towards me, "I mean, I can come later this week for recording if you guys need me."

"Nah...it won't be the same..." I argued.

"Just go, Rach, it's not the end of the world that we're doing different things," She tried to tell me, rising to her feet and looking down at me, "And anyways, doing everything together gets...a little old sometimes." I looked at her, confused. What was she saying? She didn't like hanging out with me? I'm her sister for crying out loud! I'd been waiting for so long to live with her and she tells me doing things together gets old sometimes? "Uh...I'm going to go get ready, alright?" And with that she walked away.

-Toby's POV-

Natalie and I had finished playing a game of Just Dance 3 and we both plopped down on the couch. "How the hell do you score that high?" I questioned her with a chuckle.

She laughed, "I just do."

I glanced over at her and smiled, "This was really nice."

"Yeah," She agreed with an even wider grin. I don't exactly know why, but I was so tempted to kiss her right then and there. But before I could do that, her phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and ignored the call. She was about to tell me something when her phone began to ring again. She rolled her eyes and turned towards me. "I have to take this, I'll be right back," She stated before she rose to her feet and walked out of the house.

I got up and sneaked over to the door, honing in on her conversation. "Wait...they're getting married?...Oh, I'm so happy for them!...Come on, Rach, you should be too...Let's be honest, you guys were only friends, nothing more...So that means that you should just be happy for him...No, you cannot do that...Oh my god, Rach, I need to go. I'll talk to you when I get home," She hung up the phone and I rushed back to the couch.

She walked in and smiled, "Sorry about that, my sister just needed to tell me something kind of important...to her at least." She sat down beside me.

"That's okay," I replied, "So, what do you want to do next?"

-Joey's POV-

I was finishing cleaning up when I heard my doorbell ring. I slipped on my shirt and raced downstairs, opening the door to see just Rachael. "Hey, Joey," She greeted with a smile.

"Where's Natalie?" I asked her, expecting her and her sister.

"She...uh...had other plans," She told me, a tint of sadness in her voice, "But she insisted on me coming anyways, so...here I am," She grinned slightly.

"Well, come on in," I welcomed, stepping to the side to let Rachael in. She walked past me and I closed the door behind her.

"So, what were you thinking about for the collaboration?" She inquired, setting her bag down on the couch and glancing over at me.

"How about we talk about it over some lunch?" I suggested, seeing as it was nearly one in the afternoon. She nodded her head in agreement.

After ordering our food, I began to give her this elaborate and very detailed description of what I had in mind. I know she did a lot of music videos with her sister, so I was hoping we could do a cover of a song with the three (or more, if we wanted) of us. She nodded her head in understanding, but I don't think she really was on the same page. She seemed...zoned out.

"So what do you think?" I concluded.

She snapped back from the chance she was in, "Huh?"

"I wanted to know if you liked the idea, but if you don't..."

"No," She cut me off, "I love the idea, Joey. It's always been one of my dreams, as well as Natalie, to do something like that with you. It's just..." She leaned back in the booth she sat in and sighed, "I'm just a little...upset."

"Why are you upset?"

She looked at me and smirked, "If I told you, you'd think I'm crazy."

"No, you can tell me," I urged, leaning forward a little.

She shook her head, "No."

"Come on..."

"No!" She exclaimed, followed by a slight laugh, "It's...it's really stupid." I just stared at her, waiting until she cracked. Which she eventually did, "I'm upset because Anthony proposed to Kalel, okay? I watched their video this morning..." She admitted, blushing insanely afterwards, Okay, go ahead," She added, "Laugh at me. Tell me it's stupid. I'm ready."

"No," I told her. I didn't want laugh at her. I didn't tell her it was stupid. Because that news upset me too. I kind of liked Kalel. And now that Anthony proposed to her... "I'm not."

She just stared at me after that. Silence resided between us. She cleared her throat and ran her fingers through her hair, "Joey, can I tell you something?"


She took a while to say anything, but when she did, I was a little surprised, "I...I think I like Anthony...more than a friend. That's why I'm upset."

"Me too," I told her. She gave me a confused look. I laughed, "No, I mean, not with Anthony. But with Kalel. I've always loved her. Ever since I first met her."

-Ian's POV-

Melanie and I were sitting at the dining room table, watching Anthony propose to Kalel in Japan. "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," He told her. She screamed and eventually accepted, allowing him to slip the ring on her finger.

"Why can't you say that?" She inquired softly, closing her laptop and glancing over at me, "I mean, they've only been together, what? Three years? We've been together six, Ian."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm waiting for the right time, Melanie..." After the party, I drove to Melanie's place. It took a lot of convincing for her to hear me out, but she eventually did. I told her I was sorry more than a million times and that I wasn't cheating on her, she was the only girl I loved. And even though we got back together (that is if we ever truly broke up), I'm still telling her those things.

"Well you can't wait forever," She remarked under her breath before walking away from me. I heaved a sigh and smacked my forehead.

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now