[Chapter 7] You Have A Girlfriend

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Author's Note: This update is up tonight because @iloveianfromSMOSH demanded it, so here you go and I hope you like it! -rac06h10ael

-Natalie's POV- (before she had to leave)

Ian took me to his bedroom - the only place he claimed he thought was quiet enough for us to talk. Though it was almost the same as the rest of the house, in my opinion.

My mind was spinning. I was with Ian Hecox. In his room. He sat down on his bed and slapped the spot next to him, "Come sit next to me," He demanded as my eyes scanned his room in amazement.

I slowly approached him and did as he said, "This is so cool."

"What's so cool?" He asked, wrapping his arm around me. I gave him the weirdest look. What he was doing was creeping me out, but I didn't want to say anything. "That you're sitting here with the great Ian Hecox from Smosh?" He remarked semi-sarcastically, utterly and completely slurring his words.

"Actually, yeah," I retorted, "This honestly has to be the best February Break ever. I mean, I'm sitting next to someone I'd never imagine I'd meet!" I smirked and glanced up at him, "And thanks for having this party for me. I couldn't have asked for more."

"No problem," He replied while taking a sip of beer. "Hey, when did you say you're leaving?"


"What a shame," He remarked, "It's not going to be the same now that everyone knows who you are. Hell, you're practically family now." He laughed. I just smiled. "I'm really going to miss you, Nat."

"Aww," I blushed, "I'll miss you too."

"Then let's make the best of this night," He exclaimed, setting down his beer bottle on his nightstand and turned towards me, "Kiss me."

My heart almost stopped and I froze, "Did you just say to kiss you?"

"Second thought, I'll kiss you," He said before leaning towards me. I pushed him away and jumped to my feet. He looked up at me, confused.

"You have a girlfriend, Ian!" I yelled at him under my breath.

He smirked and got to his feet, "She doesn't have to know."

"No!" I screamed as I ran out of the room and pushed my way through the hoard of people until I found Rachael standing with Anthony by the wall, "Oh my god, Rachael! I've been looking for you all night!" I exclaimed as I grabbed Rachael's hand, "I need to get going." I glanced over my shoulder quickly to make sure Ian wasn't following me. I looked back at Rachael, "I'm leaving tomorrow. And I don't want to miss my flight because I'm still packing!" I gave as my excuse.

Rachael sighed and luckily responded, "Okay. See you later, Anthony." I chuckled in relief before I dragged her our of the house.

While we drove back to the apartment, I couldn't stop shaking. Ian wanted to kiss me. Even though he had a girlfriend, who just so happened to be at this party. I'm sure it was just the alcohol talking though...but still...

We made our way into the apartment and Rachael inquired, "So, how did you like your 'See-You-Soon Party'?"

"It was...interesting..." I answered, still freaked out with the whole Ian and me thing.

"Did you like meeting almost all of your favorite YouTubers in one night?" She then went on to question, opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water.

"Yeah. It was cool."

She smirked, "We better get you packing, Nat, don't want to miss your flight..."

She started for the bedroom when I exclaimed, "Wait, Rach!" She stopped in her tracks and looked back at me, "I don't need to pack my bags." She raised her eyebrow in confusion, "I only said that because...because I didn't want to tell you that Ian...tried to kiss me..."

Her eyes widened, "Did you just say Ian tried to kiss you?"

"And it wasn't for the Spin The Bottle game."

She gulped, "You know he has a girlfriend, right?"

"Yes! I do! I tried to tell him that but...but he didn't listen! He said she didn't have to know!" I plopped down on the couch and covered my hands with my face, "What am I going to do, Rach?"

She sat down beside me, "He's just drunk. I'm sure he didn't mean what he said."

I shook my head, "But what if he did? And what if I wanted him to mean what he said...?" I asked her shamefully before I got up and started pacing back and forth, thinking about what just happened. After about ten minutes, I turned to ask Rachael another question, but she had fallen asleep. I rolled my eyes and went to the guest bedroom to try to get some sleep, though it was useless with all the thoughts I had in my head.

-Rachael's POV-

I woke up with a massive headache. The sun was shining right in my face. I sat up and looked down to see that I was still in the clothes from last night and that I had fallen asleep on the couch. I looked over my shoulder and saw Natalie looking through my cupboards in the kitchen. "God, Rachael, when's the last time you went shopping?" She said to herself. I rose to my feet and she noticed me. "Oh, hey, Rach. Do you have anything I could eat that isn't frozen?"

I noticed that her bags were already by the door. "When do we have to go? For your flight?" I questioned.

"Well, my flight leaves at one. So we should leave around noon," She answered. I looked at the clock on the oven and saw that it was 10:45a.m. "That gives you enough time to clean up and do whatever else you need."

"Alright," I remarked before making my way into my bedroom, "Hey," I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at her, "Have you figured out what to do with the whole Ian kissing you thing?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "I was kind of hoping you wouldn't remember that..."

"Well, have you?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know."

"You know he's coming to say goodbye to you before you leave," I added, "He and Anthony both said they'd be there to see you go."

"Oh, shit..." She mumbled under her breath.


We stood in the airport terminal as Natalie got her bags checked. Anthony, Ian, and I all had sunglasses on, because we were all still hung over. I couldn't help but stare at Ian. What my sister told me...about he kissing her...if that was true...what if he did mean it? What if it wasn't just his impaired judgment to kiss her?

Natalie motioned to us that she was ready to go to the gate. We all followed her and said our goodbyes. I hugged her tightly, "I can't wait till this summer."

She hugged me back, "Me either."

I stepped out of our embrace and she went on to Anthony. They shared a quick hug. Then it was Ian. I watched as the awkwardly hugged each other. Natalie gave us one last goodbye before she made her way towards the airplane.

"I'm really going to miss her," I commented as I put my hand up to the floor-to-ceiling window that gave a view of the landing strip where her plane sat as people boarded.

"Me too," Anthony added.

"I think I am too," Ian remarked with a frown on his face.

-PREQUEL TO SERIES- The New Girls (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now