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I woke up and check the time it was noon.

I heard Carlos and Logan talking.

"I give you permission and my blessing", was all i heard and it came for Los.

"Thanks man.", i heard Logan

~Later that night~

"Hey come with me to the park please?", Logan came and asked me.

I agreed because i had been alone all day .

But when got to the park i was surprised...

There was nothing there I was expecting to see the big extravagant thing.

Possibly a big 'Will you Marry Me?' spelled out in rose petals but no i saw none of that.

i saw a plan ordinary park.

"hey Lizzie come swing with me?", asked Logie bear who was standing near the swings.

"sure Logie!", i said with a fake smile whole running to the swings.

i hopped on one as Logan got behind me and began to push me.

I began to get higher as i pumped my legs back and forth.

i was going back ready to feel logans hands push me again by gently touching my butt but nothing.

i just brushed it off and kept swinging.

the next time it went back i felt to arms slither around my waist and drag me off the swing.

i began to kick and scream until i heard the soothing voice of my wonderful boyfriend.

"hey babe calm down its just me." Logan whispered sending chills down my spine.

I slowly turned around still in Logans arms and lightly him across the chest.

"you nearly scared me half to death.", i told him as i hit him.

"I'm sorry,please forgive me?" he said while pouting his soft irresistible lips.

i tried to act as though i was mad but it didn't last long because after a minute i connect his plump pink lips with mine.

"see i knew you couldn't resist this." Logan whispered as he slowly pulled his lips back and rested his forehead against mine.

"yea" i said smiling.

He sat me down on the ground and grabbed my hand.

"Come on i have a surprise for you.", he told me dragging me to the other end of the park.

As we were walking, i began to think this is it he's going to propose i know, just wonder how he's gonna do it.

We walk around a big tree and once again i am disappointed.

there's nothing there but a checker red and white blanket and a picnic basket.

I'm a little disappointed but i don't want yo show so i try to hide it with little excitement.

"This is so sweet thank you Logie, but whats the special occasion?", i ask him trying to get a hint at to whats going on in his big brain.

"Well i have something to tel-- no ask you? I'm not sure i just have some news.", he asked like a question to himself.

"Oh what do you need to ask/tell me?", i ask him impatiently.

"Food first talk later. OK?", Logie asked

"OK", i groaned agreeing.

Logan slowly pulled food out of the basket and divided it onto to two plates for the two of us.

we then began to eat.

after we ate Logan put the basket aside and sat me on his lap.

he placed my back firmly against his chest as i sat between his legs and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"so Lizzie bear what i had to tell you was uh well..."


A/N: was going to end with a cliffhanger right here but some of you guys reminded me where i was going so thanks, now on with the story!

"so Lizzie bear what i had to tell you was uhh well i was wondering if you wanted to come with me to see my mom because she really wanted to meet you and i was umm just wondering if you wanted to go." Logan stuttered while asking me.

I would love to Logan but what about our daughter, is my brother OK with this, what about your fans , what about this tour?", i asked him in on fast motion but still slow enough so he understood.

"We are taking our daughter with us because my mom also wants to see her in person and not through a screen, my fans will be alright, and we have a week break from tour.", Logan finished answering my questions.

"Wait what about my brother?", i asked him after realizing that he forgot to answer that question.

"oh yea, your brother said and i quote , 'I give you permission and you have my blessing.' end quote." Logan said while trying to imitate my brother at all the right times.

oh so it all make since now that's why he said that.

"what?", questioned Logan breaking me out of my train or thought.

"huh?", i asked him confused on what he was talking about.

"you said something about why someone said something?", he said

that's when i realized i had said my thoughts out loud and realized it was time to tell him some of my thought sort of.

"Well if you must know i was talking about Carlos i heard him tell you that exact same thing earlier and i thought you were going to propose to me but i was stupid."i told Logan while starring at the ground.

"hey babe your not stupid and one again I'm not going to propose YET.", Logan whispered to me.

"But i have a question why did he say you you have his blessing?", i asked Logan because that seemed a little off to me.

"Oh he was talking about with you agreeing to go because he said it would be hard for you to agree. And because my mom my tell some very embarrassing stories about me.", he said and i could tell he was blushing and smiling just by the sound of his voice.

"hahhahah", i began to laugh.

"whats so funny?", Logan asked sounding puzzled.

"you were afraid of embarrassing photos.", i said calming down a little from my laugh attack.

"you haven't seen the pictures.",he said

then we sat in a comfortable silence for a few more minutes until Logan spoke up.

"Lets head back its getting late."

With that said we grabbed all our stuff and headed back towards the bus.

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