Chapter Twenty Six

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Shadestar scratched the dirt, Her heart was numb and her mind was focused on ending Silverclaw's existence. He would die by her paws. And anyone who got in her way would be die too. The day they buried her daughters, her sister, and all the fallen clanmates was the day she buried her heart with them.

    "Here you go, Shadestar." Stormfall gave her a squirrel. "It's your favorite."

    "Thanks." Shadestar meowed flatly, as she took a bite out of the mouse. Stormfall gave her a longing look before exiting her den. Shadestar needed to first figure out where Silverclaw's camp was located. Which means that she needed a scouting patrol. Shadestar rose to her paws, and she left her den. Her clanmates scattered out of her way.

    "How is Echofoot?" Shadestar asked Graywhisker. The gray tom looked up.

    "She's healing. Stormkit is considering becoming a medicine cat apprentice. I think he'd make a good one. He's already helping out Shimmerleaf." Graywhisker meowed kindly. Shadestar nodded in response. The mention of medicine cats reminded her of the fresh grief she had over Aspenberry, who was gone now.

    "The battle must have shocked the kits." Shadestar meowed, cleaning her ears.

    "Of course it did! Those rouges were savages! And to think Silverclaw was once one of us!" Graywhisker lashed his tail angrily. Shadestar tilted her head.

    "What?" Shadestar asked with wide eyes.

    "Right. You don't know. " Graywhisker meowed."Silverclaw used to be a Shadowclan warrior. In fact he was Flowerdapple's sister. He was supposed to be deputy instead of Badgerclaw, but Stonestar changed his mind at the last minute. Silverclaw got angry and he called Stonestar a traitor. Then he exiled himself, vowing revenge. He must blame us for the death of his sister and that drove him over the edge. This must be the revenge he swore to get." The explanation of Silverclaw 's origins fueled the anger and rage in her heart.

    "And I vow to get revenge on him." Shadestar meowed, looking off into the distance. Her claws scratched the earth beneath her paws. Graywhisker sighed softly. Shadestar turned around and she watched the camp. Mistyflame was comforting Pineheart, who was grieving over Toadpelt's death.

    "Shadestar. Silverpaw and Badgerpaw need new mentors." Robinfoot meowed, disrupting her thoughts. Shadestar looked over and nodded. Both Badgerpaw and Silverpaw's mentors had been killed in the battle.

    "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather her for a clan meeting." Shadestar announced and she beckoned with her tail for Silverpaw and Badgerpaw to come forward. The two apprentices approached shadestar , grief staining their eyes.

    "I call upon my Warrior ancestors to give this Apprentice a new mentor. Silverpaw, you have lost your mentor, so your new mentor will be Stormheart." Shadestar meowed, and Stormheart greeted Silverpaw. Shadestar turned to Badgerpaw. "I call upon my Warrior ancestors to give this Apprentice a new mentor. Badgerpaw, you have lost your mentor, so your new mentor will be Ravenfeather." Ravenfeather greeted Badgerpaw and shadestar turned around. She had to organize the scouting patrol. She needed to find where silverclaw was.

    "Shadestar!" Echofoot called out, running over to catch up with her. "Stormkit wants to be a medicine cat apprentice." Shadestar looked at the shecat.

    "Of course. Is Shimmerleaf okay with it?" Shadestar asked.

    "She thinks it's a wonderful idea!" Echofoot meowed happily. Shadestar nodded.

    "Then it shall be." She meowed, dipping her head.


    It was the first gathering after the battle. And Shadestar had a lot to say. She climbed on top of the rock. Stormfall sat with the other deputies.

    "The worst of leafbare seems to have passed and Newleaf crawls closer. ThunderClan is doing well. We have new kits and new apprentices. We are thriving." Flowerstar meowed. Lilystar stepped forward.

    "Yes, it is true that new leaf draws closer, but RiverClan has lost kits this leafbare to the unrelentless cold. But other than that sad occurrence, we are doing well." Swiftstar stepped forward.

    "WindClan is doing fine this leafbare." Was all Swiftstar said. Shadestar stepped forward.

    "I have grave news to tell. It is my deepest regret that I must reveal this information, this horrible thing that has happened to us. The ShadowClan camp was horribly attacked by savage rogues, and we lost many cats in battle. These rogues were led by an exile of ShadowClan, Silverclaw. He murdered many cats of my clan, and I say this to the rest of the clans as a warning. For I cannot bear to see this cat murder any other cats." Shadestar announced. And the other clans started whispering among themselves.

    "We will keep an eye out for this rogue." Flowerstar meowed.

    "Thank you for telling us." Swiftstar meowed.

    "I'm sorry for your loss." Lilystar dipped her head. "We will let you know if we find this rogue."

"Indeed." Swiftstar meowed. "If he threatens one Clan, he threatens them all." Shadestar was shocked but happy that the other clans were willing to fight this battle with her. Now it was time to plan and get her revenge.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now