I won't Lie For You

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I can't promise You

No, I can't promise
Not "one more time"
Let's be honest
That's another lie

So the clock ticks as I talk you off the roof
You're courting a demon to whom
You can't afford to lose

You're wondering if there's even any thing worth saving
Wondering if anything will be changing
And now I know it can
It should.

We can't back space our lives
We can't delete our words
We can't undo our cuts
Even when they burn

Being around you is draining
But you need someone
A soul to ease your aching

And help this battle be won
I know what it's like
To feel that constant, empty pain
To lay dying alive every night

Wondering if there's even any thing worth saving
Wondering if anything will be changing
And now I know it can
It should.

We can't back space our lives
We can't delete our words
We can't undo our cuts
It only just gets worse

I wanna save you
Pull you from the waters
But you'll take me down too
Use my hope for fodder

The waves will rise
The shadows creep in
And in the end
Who will win--

He robs from life
He silences chances
Yes, he destroys strife
But on a grave of loss he dances

I won't let you drag me to that tomb stone
For I've looked down on it before
And saw, from the shimmering light that shone
The name that I then bore

Though, it was slightly different.
There was a caption on that eerie block
It said "The End"
Of...then my name...'s clock

I stared at it and thought--not of joy, not of sorrow
And internally a war I fought--my heart did deploy much
thought of that tomorrow

There was a little clock, also on it inscribed
And one strike from tomorrow
The small hand was applied

And I wondered.

I wondered what would happen

In a day beyond today

I wondered who I'd meet and

What it was I'd say

But if I threw away those chances

If I threw away that time

My clock would never complete

That last chime

So though we can't back space our lives

And we can't delete our words
We can't undo our cuts
And past choices still hurt

We can look to the future

It's one last chime away

So I won't promise that I will lie for you

But I promise there's always another day

(PART II is next)          

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