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Josh walks around the city and gets some grocerys, it has been a cold night, hes wearing a warm sweater to keep his body sheltered from the cold. It is late tonight, collage has kept him busy lately.  As Josh wonders he takes notice of all the robots that you can customly make, everyone has one, but him, they can create calls and are a gps.  They can do anything you want, really, continue a converstaion, call your mom, carry you, basically anything you want.  Theyre also made to look identical to humans, so they have the same body parts, and are heated to be the same temperature, they may learn quickly too. 

Josh pulls a hand through his bright yellow hair and decides to call it a night. He looks into the sky, the city always had, much, duller stars than if you were to look up at the country sky and star gaze. Josh starts to head back to his dorm room, walking slowly, not wnating to go back really, life is boring there. As Josh walks he does not pay much attebtion to where hes going, just admiring the bright sky, it was a full moon tonight.  Josh takes another step forwards but this time instead of walking, he trips over something hard.  He lets out a groan and slowly pushes himself up, he rubs his knee, and glances at what he tripped on. 

What Josh saw, made his jaw drop, it was a male? no. It was a robot male, they were extremely life like, but not to the point where you could not tell them apart from humans. Josh took the trash bag away from the robot males body, the male had tattos on his arms and chest, his eyes were closed, he was not moving. The robot male had warm feature, short brown hair, and was tall, by the looks of it. Josh put his hand onto the males face, it was cold, why?  'Had the robot broke?' Josh thought.  'No, it couldnt have, it looks brand new, not dirty at all,' Josh let his thoughts drag on.  Josh noticed the male was naked and took his sweater off to put it onto the males body.  'How coyld someone just abonded this robot,?' Josh pondered, before picking it up to carry it home with him. He also grabbed his grocerys.

The robot was heavy, about the average weight of an 18 year old male.

Josh struggled getting into the dorm with the robot male in his arms, when he finally did, he was thankful that no one was really awake at this time. Josh laughed, a bit, at the thought, a guy carrying a half naked other guy was surely a sight to see.

Josh walked into his room, he did not have a flat mate with him yet.  Josh carefully set the male down by the door so he could put the plastic bag full of food onto the counter top.  He wondered back slowly to the robot, with a pair of boxers, he put them onto the male. 

Josh wondered if the robot had a charging place, he searched the body until finding a panel on his back, he took the cord and plugged it into his wall. His stumache intupted his thoughts, Josh got up to make some food.

Josh decided on making a spaghetti.  He was just about to plate it, and heard a huge crash, he jumped, and ran into the living room and saw the robot male had awakened.  Their eyes met, Josh could've sworn at that moment, that those are the prettiest eyes he has ever seen.  A dark melted chocolate set of eyes.  The robot male looked confused and scared, very scared.

"Hello," Josh says, carefully, taking a step forward, towards the male. "Whats your name?" he asks.

The male doesn't know how to say it and can only speak mumble jumble, "Ty-tyer, ty-tyjo," he furrows his eyebrows together not knowing what or how or who he is.

"Tyjo?" Josh asks, laughing slightly.

The male only furrows his eyebrows more, pulling his knees up to his chest, scared, he looks up at the yellow haired male and stares into his eyes. "nnn-nni," he tries to say, 'no,'

Josh takes a step forward, maybe this robot has a problem and thats why he was in the trash. "mmmmm," Josh trys to figure or what tyjo sounds like, "Tyjo, Tyler, Oh your name is Tyler!?" Josh aks excitedly bending down to the males hieght.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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