Chapter 6 :P

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Chapter 6

"Harold Edward Styles, put me down!"

"Now that you used my full name there is no way I'm putting you down."

Harry said as he ran around the hotel room while everyone laughed. Ellie and I have been hanging out with the boys almost everyday and we have all grown really close. Some closer than others! Ellie and Niall think that we don't notice that they have been flirting more usual. Besides, Niall already told me that he likes Ellie, but today is their last day in America. The boys promised to come visit us or fly us out to visit them.

"If you don't put me down I won't visit you."

He quickly put me down. I knew that would work.

"Thank you."

I turned to the others and gave them death glares which made them stop laughing, well all except for Liam. He's like my older brother so he's not "afraid" of me.

"Shut up Liam!"

"Make me."

He said standing up. Make him? Oh I will! I tackled him to the couch then sat on his back.

"Okay okay, get off me."

"I will... after you admitt you love me!"

"Ugh, I love you, now get off."

"Pfft, say it like you mean it."

I could hear the other boys snicker as Liam said he loved me. I got off him, sat on the couch and smiled.

"Awwe, I love you, too, Liam!"

He just crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Oy! What about us?"

Niall asked as the others agreed. I got up and pulled them into a hug.

"I love you guys,too!"

"Ha! She loves me."

Zayn said with a smirk.

"Yeah, but she loves me more!"

Louis said tackling him to the floor.

"Lads! We all know she loves me more."

Harry said as Zayn and Louis got off the ground.

"Ugh, just tell the lads you love me more."

Niall said from the couch.

"Oh my god! I love you all equally."

The boys pouted but sat down. It's 4pm and we have yet to decide what we're doing today. Eleanor is working  and Caitlynn went home back to Florida to pack, she's moving to London.

"What are we doing today?"

"I know it's our last day here, but we can't do anything because we still need to pack, sorry love."

Liam said. I could feel my heart sink. It's their last day and we can't do anything to make it amazing. 


"Actually, I'm packed already, but I promised Ellie I'd go see her at work. I'll be back later though."

Niall said as he heaaded for the door. I gave him a thumbs up. I hope he tells her he likes her.

"Well, I'll let you guys pack."

I said grabbing my car keys.

"Your leaving?"

Harry asked. I didn't even realize that he had left.

"Yea, you guys have packing to do, but I'm coming back later."

"Uhm, I'm all packed."

"You are?"

Liam asked.

"Yes, daddy direction."

I giggled. It's funny how they call him 'daddy direction' because it's kind of true. Liam's the sensible one who makes sure everything is in check.

"Uhm, can I see you lads in the other room for a moment?"

I watched, confused, as they all walked into the other room and closed the door. Odd. I usually get to know everything.


We followed Harry into the other room. We all know that he has something special planned for Rachel. We helped him plan it a month ahead, actually.

"I don't know if I can do this."

He said finally breaking the silence. Alright, so I didn't see that coming. Harry usually has no problem with these kind of things.

"Hazza. you totally got this!"

Louis said while Zayn and I agreed. He nodded and we left the room.


"Uhm, would you like to go somewhere with me?"

Sorry this chapter is short, but my brain is fried and I can't think.  will update soon :) Vote? Comment? Thoughts concerns? Anything? lols <3

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