Chapter 12 :333333

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Chapter 12 ( Harry)

We walked back to the complex talking about everything and nothing at all, flirting, pushing each other. Just enjoying each other’s company. When we got back everyone was looking worriedly at me and Rachel.

“What’s up guys?”

Rachel asked.


Oh god. I know that voice anywhere.


Some chick came running up and practically tackled him to the ground. What the hell? Liam pulled me onto the couch.

“He had to date her for a publicity stunt. He broke it off, but she’s obsessed.”

I nodded slowly. Good to know.

“Haz, can you get me a water?”

I asked.

“Sure thing, love.”

He smiled at me and I smiled back, earning a death glare from the girl.

“Who’s she?”

She asked with a slight attitude. Harry handed me my water and sat next to me.

“A close friend of the band.”

He said giving me a one arm hug. The girl looked from me to Harry.

“So, what do you guys want for dinner?”

I asked. I got different answers, but settled on spaghetti and garlic bread. I got up and went to start the sauce. The sauce I learned to make takes about an hour to cook and it tastes amazing if I do say so myself. I took out all the ingredients and a pot. I put all the ingredients in the pot, mixed it with tomato sauce, and covered it.

“Stay away from Harry.”

I turned to see that the girl had followed me into the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow at her and went to leave.

“I’m talking to you!”

I turned and looked at her.

“Fuck off.”

I said. She walked up to me and got in my face.

“Stay away from Harry. He’s mine.”

Then she elbowed me in my side, knocking the air out of me, and left.

“I’m going to go. Bye guys.”

I heard her say then I heard a door open and close. I gripped my side and tried to catch my breath. That chick has some pointy elbows!

“Hey, Rach, is the fo-”

I heard Zayn start to say as he came into the kitchen.

“Are you okay?”

I slowly straightened when I regained my breath.

“Next time I see her I’m going to hit her.”

I said, going to stir the sauce and boil the water.

“Why? What happened?”

I told him how she came in here and told me to stay away from Harry and how she elbowed me in my stomach.

“What a bitch. I never liked her.”

He said.

“I can tell.”

“You should tell Harry.”

“Or not.”


Zayn shouted. I glared at him and he gave me a cheeky grin.


Harry asked, coming into the kitchen. Zayn made me tell Harry what happened. Much to my dis-pleasure. Harry was pissed and started to call the girl, who’s name is Amber, a bunch of colorful names.

“Haz, it’s fine.”

“No, it’s not fine. I can’t stand management for making me date her. She’s not even famous!”

I sighed and looked at Zayn. He shrugged. I turned and lowered the heat on the sauce and stirred the noodles.

“Food’s almost done.”

I said, trying to change the subject. Thankfully it worked.

“Thank god! I’m starved.”

“Cool. You can set the table then.”

I told them. They groaned, but got the plates and forks. While they set the table I poured the noodles into a giant pot and poured the sauce on top of it. Then I took the garlic bread our of the oven and put them on a plate. It smells delicious if I do say so myself. Zayn came back in and grabbed the cheese, napkins and the bread.

“Hold the door for me!”

I said as I picked up the pot and headed to the dinning room. I heard Niall inhale deeply.

“That smells amazing! Oh god, I bet it tastes amazing, too!”

I smiled and set the pot on the table.

“Thanks. Dig in boys.”

I said handing Zayn the spoon. I’ll get my food when they’re done.

“Where are you sitting, love?”

“Next to me!”

Harry shouted. Zayn rolled his eyes but took the plate from the space next to Harry. He put spaghetti and a piece of garlic bread on the plate and handed it to me. I smiled and sat down to eat.

“Thanks, Zayn.”

Everyone said as he served us. He got his food and sat down. All you could hear were the forks clanking against the plates and Niall’s moaning as he ate.

“So, do you guys like it?”

“You already know I like it.”

Ellie said as the rest of the boys agreed. I smiled proudly as I ate. My mom had taught me how to cook. A sad smile formed on my lips. My mom died a year ago.

“You alright, love?”

Harry asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I nodded.

“You sure?”

“Yea, I’m sure.”

He looked at me unconvinced, but let the subject go.

“That was absolutely delicious!”

Niall said as we all sat down in the living room after dinner.


“So, what do you guys want to do now?”

Ellie asked as she snuggled into Niall. He put his arm around her and blushed a little. AWE! They are too adorable. 


Louis shouted as he ran out of the room like a maniac. He came back with a huge stack of movies. Oh god. We ended up watching movies until we all fell asleep.

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