Chapter One .

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I'm not a killer, but don't push me.

Chresanto August .

Jacob Perez. The light of my life. My earth. My beautiful sin. I can't live or breathe without making him my own <3. I want him, no I need him in my arms every night. Every time he brushes past me-

         “What? Every time he brushes past you what?” My boyfriend Darryl asked frustratedly.

         “Can I please have my mind back?” I looked back at him. He rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth.

         “Well, they weren't thoughts if you were speaking the words aloud. You sounded like you were talking to yourself. Who's this Jacob anyway?”

I groaned.

         “Nobody, now can you be quiet?”

         “No, not until you answer my question, correctly. I know he's someone who you have your attention on, and I wanna know who the hell he is?!”

         “Shut up! Damn I told you that he was nobody!” I yelled in irritation. Darryl obeyed my rule and I sighed heavily. I went back to my thoughts in peace as Darryl eyed me from the back.

         “I'm sorry, baby. But I want to know things like this, so we can work it out.” Darryl apologized.

I turned my head around so that I can see him, and glared his way. He had his phone in his hand and he was throwing it in the air and repeatedly catching it.

         “There is nothing to work out, I can handle my business on my own.” I harshly said.

         “Oh,” Was all I heard him say.

I sighed to myself, and pressed my head into the palm of my hands. I lifted my head back up and ran my fingers through the small curls on the top of my head, and stood up from the bed.

I walked my way into the living room where. my phone was, and picked it up realizing that I had two missed calls and a text message.

As I looked through the message, I felt a pair of hands almost attack my eyes close.

           “Get off of me Darryl! Damn just leave me the fuck alone for a second?!” I yelled and snatched his hands from my eyes with the free hand that I had left.

           “Baby, come back to bed,”

I ignored his presence and continued looking through my phone. I stopped at a very familiar number that I made sure to memorize the first day I got it. It was Jacobs number. I smiled to myself drowning out Darryl's voice.

Jacob Perez .

I'm being stalked by my lover. Chresanto August has been stalking me and claiming his love for me every since I was on this earth. It bothers me but then again it doesn't. I love him, well almost. Equally the same as he does me. Just back off a. little?

I heard my phone ring the familiar ring tone. I picked it up and checked the caller id. Guess who it was?

No literally, guess.

You better have guessed.

It was Chresanto! Why can't he just back off!?

“Hello?” I answered with a groan.

“Well, someone doesn't sound too happy that I called them in the last two days.”


Heey. I'm Uh new here, and this is my first boyxboy fanfic. I have another Wattpad, but it got deleted because of some rated r ish. But anyways please vote comment and follow. Share this story too.

- Unknown Lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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