Chapter Twenty Seven

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    "Have you found anything yet?" Shadestar asked Fernfeather when he and the rest of the second scouting patrol of the day returned.

    "Nothing but dead ends so far." Mintsky reported. "I'm sorry, Shadestar. We will keep trying." Shadestar nodded. She lashed her tail angrily, but she wasn't angry at them, she was angry at him. Silverberry and Badgerpelt emerged from the entrance carrying prey. Shadestar had named them after Aspenberry and Toadpelt. Stormpaw was helping take care of Mistyflame who had a nagging cough. Shadestar didn't notice any expectant queens in camp. Perhaps they were still frightened about what had happened to her kits.

    "After sunset I'll send out another patrol. You needn't worry." Shadestar told the shecat. Shadestar walked past and decided to go hunting. Lately, Shadestar hunted and patrolled by herself when stressed. And that was constant now.

    Shadestar tasted the air, immediately finding a mouse, two squirrels fighting over a pine cone, a chatty ThunderClan patrol, , dead mushrooms, rotting leaves, stale fox scent, shrews in their burrows. Shadestar swiftly tracked down the two squirrels. She unsheathed her claws, she landed her both of the squirrels. Feeling satisfied, she held her tail high and she waltzed into camp, purring loudly. She dropped off the squirrels down on the freshkill pile and went into her den when she overheard a conversation.

    "Have you noticed how different shadestar had been?" Darkpelt's voice was low and hushed.

    "It's just the grief. She lost everyone." Adderstrike meowed.

    "She didn't lose Stormfall Haven't you noticed how she's been treating him?"

    "She's still grieving. Give her time." Echofoot meowed, licking her paws.

    Shadestar snorted and she curled up in her den. Maybe she was always grumpy and cold. It wasn't really that big of a deal. Once she found and made Silverclaw suffer she'd be happy again. She'd be happy once she took away everyone he loved just like he did to her. She would make him feel the pain she felt every single day. And then and only then, would she finally find peace.


    "What will we do when we find Silverclaw's camp?" Featherlight asked shadestar when they were patrolling the RiverClan border.

    "We shall spy on them. Learn how they function, how they work. Then we will begin the planning of revenge." Shadestar told her. Smokeshine padded over, carrying a mouse.

    "That's good news." Fernfeather told Smokeshine. "More prey for the clan! And for the new kits!"

    "Kits?! Who's having kits?!" Shadestar asked in shock.

    "I am!" Briarflower meowed. She was the other cat on the patrol with Shadestar . "Fernfeather and I are expecting kits!" She said excitedly. Shadestar blinked at the news. Briarflower was one of the only things she had left of a Oakbriar. She should feel happy for her, but she didn't.

    "That's wonderful." Shadestar forced herself to say. She was proud of Fernfeather, who had been her apprentice.

    "Thanks!" Briarflower purred and she licked Shadestar's shoulder affectionately. Shadestar purred in response.

    "Lets get back to camp. The scout patrol should be back by now." Smokeshine meowed. She was more closed off than her sister, most likely from the grief of losing her mother and her brother.

    "Alright, let's head back." Shadestar nodded and she led the patrol back to camp. Fresh pine needles lined the forest floor, and the scent of pine sap filled the air.

    "You should move into the nursery, Briarflower." Smokeshine meowes, almost coldly. Briarflower nodded.

    "Yeah, I should." Briarflower nodded. She'd be joining Featherlight who was expecting Adderstrike's kits. Shadestar worried about having kits in camp. Fernfeather purred.

    "You'll be safer there. Darkpelt, Nettleshade, and Sparrowflight have been reinforcing the dens, and Mintsky, Ravenfeather, Pinetail, Dustclaw, and Flowerheart have been helping with reinforcing the camp entrances" Fernfeather told his mate. Briarflower nodded and she went into the nursery to build her nest next to Featherlight's. Shadestar shook her fur and padded over to the latest scout patrol.

    "We caught a scent of Silverclaw near the RiverClan border. We think he might live in the twoleg place but we lost the scent." Graywhisker meowed.

    "We have a lead!" Shadestar felt a surge of hope beneath her pelt.

"We must remember the exact spot you found his scent. We will need to begin tracking him!"

    "Already on it," Stormfall meowed. "Echofoot is doing just that."

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