Chapter 2

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I was walking to music by my self like usual. As I was walking down the corridor other students were either staring at me or talking about me. They were probberly rumours made up by the Sidemen. I didn't  realy car to be honest; I was already used to it. I got to music fairely quick.  The good thing about music is that there isnt any Sidemen in this class aside from P.E. When I walked in the music teacher Miss Norman says ' How are you today Eliza ' she churped happily . 'fine, I guess' I mutter under my breath. I walk to my usual seat at the back of the class by the window. As I pull out my book there was a figure standing there. It turned out to be a quite a pretty girl with blonde hair just past her shoulders, she also had brown eyes. 'Can I sit here ?' she asks quietly.

'Sure thing, take a seat' I say.

 'Thanks, its my first day here'

 'Its cool, so anyways whats your name btw?'

 'Freya Nightingale and yourself? '

 'Eliza Dolittle'

'Nice to meet you Eliza.'

'You two Freya.'

'Do you happen to know Joshua Bradley?'

I quicky thought to my self of course hes been one of my bullies since year seven along with the rest of the Sidemen but I couldnt tell her that beacuse I was hopping that I would become friends with her, since I didn't have any friends. The reason being the Sidemen either scaring people away or the rumours they spread about me which weren't even true just plain old mean.

'Yea I do know him along with his other mates we have some classes together which are geography, Maths and science .' I replied quicky then giving a small smile at her. 

' Really!? Thats cool, beacuse hes actually my boyfriend. We've been together for one year now!' Freya exclaimed. Once I hearded thoese words I  just thought why is such a horrible boy get such a sweet and lovely girl. Maybe beacuse Josh is different outside of school or maybe Freya doesn't know that Josh and the others bully me. I guess its not her fault she wouldnt know it is only her first day here. 'oh um, really thats cool , i guess' I say. That was litteraly all I could get out of my mouth. Freya looked at me uncertainly then smiles at me. After that we just finished off our work till the end of the lesson. When the bell rang me and freya walked to english together but unfortunately we had separate classes she had Mr Berry where as I had Mrs Lee. As we turned the corner we bumped into no other the Sidemen. Great. Like this was a good time, they're now most likely to scare her off like everyone else who speaks to me. 'Josh! H ey, how are you guys.' Freya says happily. They boys murmur a bunch of fine and good. Thats when the boys notice me standing there akwardly. Thats when Freya Says ' Guys, I became friends with Eliza shes super nice.' The boys smile at that comment. Making it look like they dont hate me at all. 'Were also good friends with Eliza, arent we Eliza.' Ethan piped up. Once he said that I thought are you mad but i got alook from them said go with it or get beat up which freya must of not picked up. ' Yeah me and the guys go way back. We have alot of good memories together. We practicaly are like brother and sister.' I said lyingly. ' yep. We sure do' Tobi says smiling and then putting his right arm around me like we were actully mates. '  oh wow thats so cool i never knew that before.' Freya says. 'yep' Tobi says still with his arm around me.  ' Hey, Freya is it cool if we talk to Eliza quickly it wont take long.' Josh says sweetly. '  Sure thing i'll see you later at lunch Eliza, bye babe, bye guys ' Freya said says happily. 'Bye babe.' Josh says whilst the others say bye Freya or catch you later with smiles on their faces but that all changed as Freya went down the corridor and into her classroom. Tobi then removed his arm from me. Thats when Josh pinned me to the wall and spat ' Ever speak, hang out ,or even look at freya we will make your life even worse than it is. Do you understand!'   I glarded into his great big brown eyes. ' B-but thats nor fair you always take Friends away from me.' I say to him. ' Thats your fault your being a worthless slut. Were just warning people' Vik says. The rest of the Sidemen laugh. '  Good one Vik' Jj said with a smirk. ' And anyway we dont need some worthless attention seeker hanging out with a girl like Freya shes way to good for someone like you'  Simon says. ' Thats right Simon we dont need this little piece of shit hanging out with Freya.' Josh says. The other guys agree. After all that Josh let me go I went to class upset beacuse they won't let me han out with Freya but I guess we'll have to see about that. I walked into class a little late beacuse of the insident that just happened. ' Sorry im late Mrs Lee.' I say and take book out and do my work. Nothing really happened in that class to tell the truth just Ethan and Harry talking about me once again. The reason I could tell was that they would whisper something then look back at me and the laugh or giggle like little children. I just that it was kinda pathtic talking about someone in the room I mean if your gonna do it, at least do it somewhere the cant see or hear you or see you do it. I really didnt care what they said about me till one comment got to me 'she such a little ugly whore, no wonder her mum killed herself beacuse of her.' Harry said, then laughing about it with Ethan. That was till i said ' First of all Harry my mum did not kill her self, Secondly my mumloved me and thirdy your mum probbaly hoped for her period but she got a dicked of a son who probbaly has no more than two brian cells.' After that comment the whole class was now starring at us to what would happen next. Harry just looked at me with a wide mouth and Ethan looking at me supprised. 'Bitch, the fuck you say.'  Harry said angrily. ' You god dam heared me, dickhead.' i reply. After      I say that he slapped me around the face. I was actually a bit supprised he did that to tell the truth. After that I went back to my seat to continue my work till the end of the lesson.

*Time skip to lunch*

It was the start of lunch. I went to sit in my usual seat and started to eat my lunch untill Freya  came. I was supprised she sat next to me. I thought the Sidemen would of told her she cound't be my friend. 'Hey Eliza, how are?' she asks then smileing at me ' Im good and yourself?' I say. 'Im good thanks.' Freya replies. We had been talking till the Sidemen came in. Which i kinda feared alittle, I think Freya could tell but soon changed when she saw the Sidemen. 'oh hey guys come with me and Eliza. We were just talking -' thats when they saw me with Freya they stormed over here and Josh says ' I told you not tohang out with Frey bitch ' Josh says angrily, cutting Freya.  'What do you mean Josh?' Freya says in confusion, obviously not knowing what was going on.  ' Josh told her NOT to hang with you beacuse it will not only you down, but all of down'  Simon says. ' Do you really want that Freya? I mean its us or her and if you choose her will make your life hell Freya.' Josh said coldly. I kinda hoped Freya would pick me but I wouldn't be annoyed if she picked Josh, I mean they have been together for one year. 

Freyas pov.

'Do you really want that Freya? I mean its us or her and if you choose her will make your life hell' Josh said coldly. See the thing was i didn't know who's sid to pick, If i pick Josh id stay being loyal to him but id be losin an amazing and funny friend though we had only met today. But then if i choose Eliza then i would have the best friend i always wished for but id be over with Josh my one true love.'  It was such a hard decision so i to pick...........'

Cliff-hanger.  Who is Freya going to pick The Sidemen or Eliza? Find out in next chapter.

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