Chapter 4

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(Y/n) POV:

When Justin dropped me off I went straight to my bathroom to take a shower. I could really use the warmth of the water to calm me down right now. After my nice long shower my mood had only gotten worse. My bad mood wasn't only because of what had happened earlier but also due to the fact that I hated tomorrow's date more than anything. (Well at least I've hated it for the past three years.) It marked the anniversary of my parents death. Three years ago, two months before my high school graduation, my parents had gotten hit by a drunk driver and had died instantly. That day had changed me forever. The people that I loved more than anything in the world and the people that loved me more than anything were gone. Forever. After that hurt I went through I tried not to get to close to any one. I was to scared I would start to care for someone and they would end up leaving me. Even though Brooklyn and I had been best friends since 4th grade I attempted to push her away. But she wouldn't have it. So I finally gave in and opened up to her. I'm glad she pushed me because I don't know what I would have done without her then or now. She is the only person in my life I let myself care about. I put my dirty clothes in a hamper and turned to grab my purse off the bed. When I did Justin flashed through my mind, him beating the shit out of that man, and smiling real big when he dropped me off. I shook my head as to shake the thought of him out of my mind.

The next morning I woke up around 9:30am. I went down stairs to find Brooklyn making French toast. "Morning", I said. She turned her head over her shoulder and gave me a smile. "Morning, ready for some French toast?" " Of course, you know me so well.", I said as I set down at kitchen table. Brooklyn brought over a plate of French toast then went to get two glasses of orange juice. I took a bite of my food. It was so good. "Brooklyn you make the best French toast ever!",I said stabbing another piece of toast and putting it in my mouth." Thanks. So I know you were going to start looking for a job so when I heard there was a job opening I got some info on it for you." Brooklyn works at Costal Bank of LA. "I thought if you wanted we could go check it out today." I knew that she knew what today was, and she was gonna try and keep me busy. "Then we can go look for you a car, and I was totally thinking we should go out tonight. It's Friday and the clubs will be poppin.", she says. "I know your trying to make today easier on me by having a full day.", I told her. She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sounds like a great long as we can stop by Starbucks on the way to the bank.", I said. She laughed and said "Totally".

Justin's POV:

Friday night and we had no business to take care of so we decided to go out. Everyone wanted to go to Club Gold of course. I didn't want them questioning me about why I really didn't want to go there so I just went along with it. We all piled into my car and headed out. We got there around 11:30 pm so there wasn't that many people there. That was great. I could go ahead and get a good spot in the corner to watch all the action. I figured I would just lay low. I knew it wouldn't take it long for the place to get packed with it being a Friday so I got myself a drink and headed to get my seat.

It took just about an hour before the club was packed out with people. I was actually having a pretty good time. A few girls had come up to me and gave me their number. I put the numbers in my pocket and told them I would call. When I get home ill just toss them. I was having such a good time I didn't even notice I had been on edge about not wanting to run into (y/n) that when I did see her at the bar I about dropped my drink in my lap. When had she gotten here. I watched as she left the bar area with two drinks. She made her way over to the same girl she was with the first night I saw her. The clinked their drinks together and chugged a good bit of their drink. She was smiling and laughing at something her friend had said. She had a cute smile. I watched as they finished their drink and went to the dance floor. As much as I wanted to look away and find someone else to watch I couldn't take my eyes away from her. As I watched her dance I thought about the dream I had with her. I was in my own world watching her move when Jace come over and set down next to me.

  "How's it going man?", he asked me. I finally pull my eyes away from her. "Good, just watching around.", I say. "You haven't really been mingling around tonight. Everything OK?", he said as he took a sip of his beer. "Yea dude I'm good. I'm just kinda run down." I tried to play it off on being tired instead of not wanting to be seen by a certain person. "OK, well Jason and Alex have found them a girl told me to tell you not to wait on them when we were ready to leave that they would get home." Aka they were going home with the girls and they would be taking the walk of shame in the morning. I chanced a glance back over to the dance floor to look at (y/n) but I couldn't find her. I didn't want to look like I was looking for some one so I spoke to him while also glancing slowly over to the bar. "Lucky them. Where's Everyone else?" I ask while scanning the bar. Found her. Doing shots? Didn't really see her as a shots girl. "They are at the bar. I passed them on the way over here to you. They said they were ready when ever we are." I shook my head as I followed (y/n) and her friend once again to the dance floor. I wanted to just sit there and watch her dance for the rest of the night but I also really didn't want to chance running into her and the best time to leave was when she was occupied on the dace floor at the opposite side of the exit. "I'm ready to go now if you are." He shook his head and said,"alright I'll go tell Nick and Ricky if you want to go get the car?" "Good idea. I'll meet you outside." He nodded and started to make his way over to the guys. I stood up and started walking toward the door. I figured one last look at (y/n) couldn't hurt. As soon as I turned my head to see her she turned her head also and we were looking into each others eyes. I instantly cursed that she had caught me there and looking at her. But in the second that we made eye contact I couldn't help of thinking of all the things I would like to do to her. I looked away quickly and made my way to the exit.

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