Chapter 5

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(Y/n) POV:

It was Wednesday and I was in my new black Camaro convertible on my way to my third day of work. I had went with Brooklyn last Friday to talk to someone about the job and had gotten it. On my way to work I was thinking about how great my weekend had went. I had gotten a new job, gotten a new car, went to the mall and did some shopping and partied. The only odd moment I had over the weekend was when I saw Justin at the club on Friday. I knew there had been a chance that I would see him there but that's where Brooklyn wanted to go and she had went so out of her way to make the day less stressful for me , so I had just agreed to go there. I hadn't told her about the other night when Justin had helped me. One... I knew if I told her I had almost gotten robbed she would freak out and never let me out of the house alone again. Second... It wasn't that I minded telling her that Justin had helped, but I already found myself thinking about him more than I should and I didn't want her always bringing him into the convo about how he was hot and he "saved me". Brooklyn was kind of a mushy kind of girl and could make anything into a could be fairy tale.

As I walked into the bank I saw Brooklyn behind the counter helping a lady cash a check. She looked up at me as I came behind the counter and gave me a smile. When she was done with the customer she she put up the closed sign at her station and walked over to me. "You got here just before I had to leave."Brook was leaving early today so she could spend some time with a friend that was passing through. "Yeah", I laughed. "What time is Chantal gonna be in?", I asked. "Well she said she would be in around 1:30." "What are y'all planning on doing?", I ask curious. "I don't know. I told her to just come to the house first and we can just play it by ear." "Oh well, I hope you have fun girl. You better get going though its already 1:10.", I say as I look at my watch. "Shit, I better go. See ya later.", Brooklyn gives me a hug, grabs her purse and hurries out the door.

My shift was going pretty easy. I was the only teller still working by 5:00pm. One more hour till the bank closed and I could go home. I was looking at my phone until I heard someone come in the door and I looked up. It was Justin.

 Really,why of all people. Justin walked from the door over to my area. He was caring a money bag with him. He didn't look like he was in a very good mood. " Hi, How can I help you.", I say a little nervously. I wasn't scared of him oddly, especially after all I had heard about him and seen. Before I could think anymore into why I was nervous he spoke. "I need to make a deposit.", he said and pulled a deposit slip from his pocket and gave it to me. He never looked at me. I looked at the slip. He was going to be depositing 3,000 dollars into his account. He put the money on the counter. After the transaction was complete I gave him a piece of paper with this balance. He had a pretty good stash of money saved In his account. He put the paper in his pocket and finally looked at me. God his eyes were so mesmerizing. "I need to get in my safety deposit box.", he said. I shook my head OK. I followed him over and into the vault. After we walked into the vault we took a left and walked through a door. I stood just inside the door and watched him walk over to his box. He pulled it out and laid it on a table. He then put his key in the box and opened it. There was only money in the box, stacks and stacks of hundreds. He pulled the bag off his shoulder and put it on the table. He started taking stacks of hundreds out of the bag and putting them in the box. Man he must have already put 8,000 dollars in the box and he was still going. Where did he get this kind of mon---"Bam! CLICK!" I turn my head at the noise. "Oh shit.", I hissed. "What happened!", Justin said. I didn't answer. I just ran to the vault door to have my suspicions confirmed. The vault door had closed, which meant we were locked in here.

Alone. Together.

I looked down at my watch to see what time it was. 5:45. Shit the security guard must have came by to shut it for the day. But why would he do that. Didn't he look at the sheet that we signed when we came in..... Damn, I was so busy thinking about Justin I had forgot to sign the log at the front to let people know who was in here. "I said what happened." I hear Justin coming up behind me. "The guard came around and shut the door because its almost closing time and he didn't know anyone was in here." "He should have fucking checked before he shut the damn door.", Justin said as he made his way over to the vault door. I wasn't going to tell him it was my fault. At least not yet. He started banging on the door, and yelling. "HELLO, CAN ANYONE HEAR ME? HELLO! WE ARE STUCK IN HERE!" He finally gave up. He turned around to look at me. "Well you might as well get comfy, because we're not getting out of here until morning.", he stated.

(Y/n) POV:

Uhhg... This is so not good. Brooklyn is going to panic when I don't come home. She will probably try to call but I can't answer because I left all my stuff at my area. Hey, maybe Justin has a cell. "Do you have a cellphone we can use to call someone?", I ask. He dug in his pocket and pulled out his phone. " I don't have any fucking service.", he says irritated. Great. I walk over to the wall and scoot down to the floor. Justin is pacing from one side of the room to the other.

Justin's POV:

I knew when I walked in the bank and saw (y/n) behind the counter I should have walked right back out the door. Next time I really need to listen to my head, because now look where I'm at. Locked in a vault all night, alone with this girl I can't get out of my head. Not good. It's like the harder I try to stay away the more I run into her. (Y/n) is sitting against the wall on the floor. I glance over at her. She was just staring into space. We were gonna be in here for a while I might as well go ahead and break the tension and try to have a conversation. " What time does the bank open?", I ask trying to sound less annoyed. "9:00am, but people should start coming in around 8:30.", she said. "Oh well I hope you had a big lunch because I think we'll have to skip supper.", I say. She started to laugh. She has a cute laugh. She looked up and smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. I walked over to the walk and sat down next to her. I felt this electric charge when I was so close to her. I didn't like it. It makes me feel weak, and I like to always be in charge of everything.

 "Since we're gonna be in here for a while we might as well get to know who we're locked up with.", I say. "What do you want to know?", she asks. Everything I think to myself but I go with, "Were you born in Georgia or did you move there?" "I was born there. I've never lived anywhere else other than here. How about you were you born in Georgia?" "No", I say, " I was born in Canada and my mom and I moved to Atlanta when I was 12." "Oh I lived like 20 minutes away from Atlanta", she smiled. "Humm. We stayed there until I was 18. Then my mom wanted to move back to Canada but I didn't want to. I decided to start over all new. So I came here." I wasn't sure why I didn't just answer the question but went into detail.  " Do you have any brother or sisters?", she asked? " Yeah, I have a step sister and brother. My sister's name is Jazzy and my brother's name is Jaxon. What about you?" "I'm an only child.", she says kinda sad. I don't really want her getting all mopey so I ask another question. "Who is that girl I always see you with?" "That's my best friend and roommate Brooklyn. I've known her forever.", she started smiling again. " I remember you saying you are in college? What are you going for?" "I'm going to school to be a nurse." I don't know why I was surprised but I just wasn't expecting her answer. "Do you go to school?", she asked. I gave a small laugh and said "No, I don't go to school."

"You have a job then? With all that money you have you have to do something.", she stated. "Yeah, I have a job.", leaving it at that but I knew the question that would follow. "Where at?" "I work for myself.", I was trying to keep it simple, but as complicated as this girl always was for me I should have known that answer wasn't gonna cut it and the next question was gonna be the hardest to answer. "What kind of business do you own?" "The personal kind.", I say with a grin, hoping she would drop it. "Really?", she pouts. I look at her soft pink lips and quickly look away. "Really" , I smirk. "Oh, come on, just tell me. How bad can it be?", she says. "What makes you assume it's bad?, I tease. "I... Well....I've....", she trails off. "You've what?", I ask. "I've heard some things.", she says and looks down at her hands. "And they are bad?" I'm curious to what all she has heard, Probably the normal drugs, stealing, murder, jail. She wouldn't be hearing wrong but some of the stories people tell are far fetched. "Yes, but I want YOU to explain to me what you do." Well damn. "I sell and trade things, and then if people don't pay me back I go and pay them a visit." There that should be enough. "How long have you been in your business?" "Since I moved here." After that there was a few seconds of silence. "We've talked about me. Now it's you turn."

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